Admin "abuse" NEO

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Well-Known Member
24 Jul 2012
Hey everyone how is life going?
so i played on V1 with my other nickname "yellow", a player said that NEO should be quiet because he was warning the players (which is really good), so than i said for lulz "stfu neo", he immediatly kicked me, after i joined the server he didn't even gave me the chance to tell my POV , what "stfu" was meant, he just gagged me. I waited till the end of the round, but he didn't ungagged me, so i had to rejoin. My Point is, that the Headadmin team made it so clear that no action will take after warnings, he didn't warn me i mean come on, he is more than 8 months admin he should know the rules, how an admin has to behave. I know that nothing will happen, but i wanted you just know about this.


Ex Admin
24 Aug 2012
England, London city
Yo, you told me to stfu for actually no reason at all, oh and what does stfu mean? shut the fuck up, i kicked you for that, (so you said stfu neo for a joke? or "the lulz" no thats stupid then you can take the kick as a joke then mate. There was no need to tell me to stfu, you was not even in the covnersation, you then rejoined so i gagged you because i couldnt be botherd to argue with you over your rudeness, then you rejoined again and said "are you fucking kidding me" i diddnt warn you because you know the rules already, and P.S NO SWEARING, server rule.

Kind Regards
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EliteHunterz Clan Member
29 Mar 2010
In all honesty seyfu with the ammount of trollers and rulebreakers these days.
Jokes like that are hadrly understood. Especially if you use a diferent name. If you used the name seyfudinn neo would have known its you and would take it as a joke. He seen you as a regular player and acted.

You were an know how this goes :)

I talked to him and told him that kicking isn't the right option. I mean its not wrong its just harsh. And so please excuse him.

And try not to use jokes like that under a different name next time. It might result the same.

Sorry for the inconvinence and enjoy gaming on the servers!

No action taken.

Elite HunterZ Special Admin AsH
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