Application DrunkGarry


25 Jan 2013
Hello EH,

I'd like to join this great community as a member =D I play a lots of my time on the Zombie Servers. I hope i can be a little part of this great community!

Down under is my form:


In-game name: DrunkGarry

Age: 19 Years Old

Steam username: DrunkGarry

Can you speak english and german?: I couldn't make this application without a single word english, so i speak english.

Clan history (if none, leave blank): I have never been in a CSS clan but i have had my own clans on other game and cs 1.6 etc. i've had my own servers on css.

Any serious bans before?: Never had any bans.

Do you have a microphone?: I'd like to be on teamspeak/ventrilo. I got a good working microphone :)

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important): Read the first sentence at this topic.

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: No One.

Last but not least: tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc: I am working as a law enforcer, i like leaving home with my tent or camper and go to the woods.
Sorry but you are DECLINED.

Better luck next time!

Elite HunterZ Recruiter AsH