[Application] FreakySuchti


New Member
26 Mar 2013
In-game name: Fr3aky

Age: 17

Steam username: kevinheisel2

Can you speak English and German?: English, German

Clan history:

Previous bans:

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz?: I am looking for a nice clan with nice people to play active. I hope what I'm looking to find with you. I've talked a few times with some of the clan and most of them are really nice. One of these people I would like to include. That is the reason for my application.

Were you referred to this clan?:

Tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc.: Yeah what's up to tell you about myself :D I am 17 and my name is Kevin. I live in Germany in Berlin and am is currently an apprenticeship as hotel manager. I'm a funny guy with whom you can have a lot of fun. In my free time I am traveling with friends, go to the gym or I play ZombieMod. I play between times football and maybe bit hokey. Now am I doing driving license and have passed almost :). I'm like an open book, you can pretty much me questions. :)
Sorry but you are DECLINED.

Better luck next time!

Elite HunterZ Recruiter AsH