Ban for no reason


10 Dec 2010
Dear Administration of Elite-Hunterz. I want you to chek your ingame admins, because they always make me warnings for some actions, which were not made by me. Today (12-10-10 08:40) I was baned by Jolle_101 for 1 day with this explanation:
"Destroying baricades, closing doors and ignoring admin"
The map was "zm_cbble_b3", there are no doors, no places where can be built any baricades and I see no any warnings or another messages from admin, because while playing I dont watch to the chat window. I am sure, that this ban was with no any reason, and I ask you to make sure that your ingame admins are adequatly considering ingame situations before ban and always EXPLAIN the reason of ban IN-game, so I could explain him the situation prom my point of view.
Thank you for your time,
=S.T.A.R.S= Cpt. Dvoikik
Sry mate but you are a known doorcloser on server 3 and sometimes i nearly baned you, too.
Ask other Admins.(H!tman, etc...) ;)
So i think one of the ban reasons is doorclosing and the map was cbble that jolle baned you not for one special reason.
Instead i think he baned you for beahving bad over a long time.


ps: Sry but I really have to say that.
1) Are you admin?
2) I live in Moscow, and I play only at morning/day. But my friend is using my account too. He plays always at nights. I am sure, that I was baned because of him, cause he likes to kid etc. I've not spoken with him jet, but I changed my password. I always like teamwork and never do things like TeamKillings, doorclosing etc. But I think that it was stuipid situation, i mean ban for nothing. I spoke yesterday with Gandalf about that, and explained him a situation, and I didn't imagine, that admin can ban me for things, which were done earlier not by me.

PS while I am alive, I like to kill zombies by doors, but never closed them while there are mates, I always open if I see there is anybody.
1) Yes, I´m
2) Difficult situation for everybody cause you have no proofs.


Ps: Thats not my decision and I only wanted to say what i said.
I´m out.
Hi Dvoikik. I banned u because of on the earlier map u closed doors even if i told you to stop and u continued to close them. After that i kicked you and still u came back again and closed doors on team m8s. I warned you that you would be banned if u continued. On next map i was sitting in the cage and had made a barricade that you destroyed. That was the point that i banned u on, for 1 day.
Dont come here and complain on me doing my work to keep the servers clean from players destroying for others.


Excuse me, but where was "previous map" if I wath playing 10 minutes untill you banned me?
OK now I changed my password and only me will play from this account. Please forgot prvious and dont ban me for that not done with me. Today and future if I do anything wrong, it will be me and only me.
hello i am an headadmin, we trust our admins so please let the ban expire, i hope you learned the lesson.
one more thing:
your account -> your responsibility
so whatever happens on your account is cause of you.

have a nice day.