However, I reviewed the demo-file and re-checked the logs and previous bans aswell the comm-bans.
I didn't have any entry inside the logs about the "rejoining" report for 1nfo. Also I didn't find anything in the logs for this, this means I can't ban for such reportings. If he rejoins to avoid death or similar things, please come back and open a Ban-request topic for him.
However I checked the server-chatlogs, and have seen that both of you have provoked each other. However this is not an excuse to block other players and destroy the gameplay, not only 1nfo got blocked by him, the player behind alfa got blocked on his way too, as I didnt have the name because it didn't shown up in the demo-file. And be sure, that alfa 777 didn't stopped to block after 1nfo asked him to do it so.
And therefore I banned alfa 777 now for 1 day duo of his blocking and provocative playing-stil.
EDIT: Please Parker, do not talk to other players / members on forum or on our servers on that way. Be kind and if you have any issues or problems, do not hesitate to call us or may report these players. But this case is cleared up now as its 100% recorded well on the demo that alfa is blocking, and chatlog provide that alfa answered with "fu" after 1nfo asked him to stop it.
And as I said, there is no entry that he left as zombie in his player-logs. Also I can't ban him for this.