Handled Ban Request: carto


Well-Known Member
14 Aug 2017
Name carto
SteamID dunno
Server Zombie Hunting V1
Time and Date 16 november

Ban Reason Blocking
Additional Information
player is blocking CT from clombing the crate
Proof Demo


  • 999.dem
    925.9 KB · Views: 305
It looks like the players were stuck.

He could move again after he typed "!zstuck" so its not a block
too bad the demo doesn't show that but no he wasn't stuck he was really blocking but u can't take my words cause u need proof anyway
thank GOD i caught him again a short while ago check the demo it's him again dunno if that's enough he is even jumping to make it hard for ct to pass


  • ttt.dem
    1.4 MB · Views: 318
Its crashing for me at the end. I will ask an other admin
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