Ban Request: [enrage] capt morgan (with other letters)


11 Nov 2013
Copenhagen, Denmark
morgan ban.pngName: [enrage] capt morgan (with other letters)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37070851

Server: Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date: 20.35~, 13/02/14

Reason: Insulting/Swearing

Additional Information: I was taunting the cts (you can check both his and my own chatlogs around that time), sure, but I was not insulting, and he started his crap. I'm posting a screenshot, of this totally uncalled insult.

Proof: Screenshot

-- EDIT --
Normally, I wouldn't do a ban request based on 1 insult, but seeing as I was taunting the entire team, and just one person had the need to insult (a player that I know well from the server, by name), I felt obliged to.
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Im not Admin but check chatlog and i see only "SUCK MY DICK" so Admins probably warn him
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Hello & welcome,
after checking both Chat Logs and you already admitted that you provoked some players, I have to say that it's not enough for a Ban.
Anyways, thanks for your report... I'll throw an eye on him.

Hello & welcome,
after checking both Chat Logs and you already admitted that you provoked some players, I have to say that it's not enough for a Ban.
Anyways, thanks for your report... I'll throw an eye on him.


To be honest, you can't really define what I wrote as "provoking", taunting at it's best.. They were, after all, camping while equally numbered, and they all ran straight for campin as the map started.
A comment thrown out at all of the cts, with no insults, merely telling them how fun them camping like that is, I'll never admit to this being called "provoking".

With that said, thank you for taking your time to check up on it, and to reply - I'm not sure I was actually hoping for a ban, but seeing as it was insulting - and I had no clue where else to put it - I
judged that it should be put here.
I respect your decision, however.

- Boxed. You can close the thread, I'm satisfied with you being aware.

-- EDIT --
Oh, and btw Sky, I pointed out in my original post, that he only did 1 insult, so there was no need to check chatlogs for insults specifically :p
@ boxed we allways check the logs on ban reqequests, specially when a insult swearing ban request is added. camping is allowed at our servers, so please do not provoke the weak tiny campers for their camping, they are small and weak and could not hit a barn wall even if they where surounded by it
I think he was just joking, not thinking that he insulted you. If he is banned so that was a bit heavy. :)
Hahahah no im not dude, its just funny how he reacts to a simple sentence and that he took it so serious. :p