Invalid Ban Request: Homer DUFF


Ex Admin
17 Nov 2016
Düsseldorf, Germany
Name Homer DUFF
SteamID U:1:73863080
Server Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 29.03.2018 02:30

Ban Reason Teamkilling
Additional Information
Being racist
Proof Screenshot


  • dsdsds.png
    2.6 MB · Views: 292
Hey mate just for future reference there is a gag request you can use for chat infractions.
I'm in bed on my phone so I'll refer this to another admin

Edit: blue totally responded that fast cause of me, he definitely wasn't already responding when I responded xD
Hey selution. We don't ban players right off because of insulting language, unless they take it way too far.
I'd like to tell you to make a gag request next time you see people using insulting or provoking language, but looking at the picture I'm pretty sure its towards the player called Islam, ofcourse It's not allowed to insult other players but a gag here would be a bit too much since I don't know the full story behind it, and theres only 1 insult I can spot from it. I won't gag him unless a SPA/HA thinks a gag here is reasonable for what he said.

Allthough I'll see to it personally to keep an eye on this player and if he keeps on saying things like this he'll be warned and eventually gagged, that is if he continues.

Thanks anyway, we appreciate you looking out for rulebreakers.
I'd just add that it's not really "racism" as islam isn't considered as a "race" but a religion, so I'd qualify that by "islamophobic"