Markus Well-Known Member 29 Sep 2013 61 2 8 41 24 Oct 2013 #1 Name: Killer_AK47 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19708369 Server: Zombie Hunting V5 Time and Date: 24.10.2013 19:95 MET Reason: Insulting/Swearing Additional Information: He Insulting me! Killer_AK47 : fick dich du hurensohn Proof: Chatlog
Name: Killer_AK47 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19708369 Server: Zombie Hunting V5 Time and Date: 24.10.2013 19:95 MET Reason: Insulting/Swearing Additional Information: He Insulting me! Killer_AK47 : fick dich du hurensohn Proof: Chatlog
GummiBär Member 13 Jan 2013 16 2 3 29 24 Oct 2013 #2 xD.... bin für nen bann :3 3 tage oder so weil... er auf die mutter geht solche kinder gehören geschlagen^^
xD.... bin für nen bann :3 3 tage oder so weil... er auf die mutter geht solche kinder gehören geschlagen^^
I ineyy Well-Known Member EliteHunterz Clan Member Retired SPA/HA 10 Aug 2012 544 179 43 24 Oct 2013 #3 He's chatlog is quite clean, and he has no bans on record. So we aren't going to issue one. Player shall be warned and the case closed.
He's chatlog is quite clean, and he has no bans on record. So we aren't going to issue one. Player shall be warned and the case closed.