Ban Request: >>KURDO <<


Well-Known Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
Ex Admin
11 Oct 2014
Name: >>KURDO <<

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:91643630

Server: Zombie Hunting V1

Time and Date: -

Reason: Insulting/Swearing

Additional Information: Can someone ban this guy for insulting?
One day he got mad at me because i killed him as zombie while bhopping.. he asked in turkish:

(Team) ananda yatak böyle opluyormu ? : iif my mom jumps in bed the same like.

other insults coming ->
(Team) fuck mutter. - mutter = mom
(Team) balyoz anani sikim senin. = balyoz i fuck your mom.
2015-05-04 13:17:37 (Team) ja deini mutter esell. = your mother, donkey.
2015-05-04 13:17:12 (Team) ich fuck deine mutte deine famile. = i fuck your mom, your family.
2015-05-04 13:16:18 (Team) anasini siktik picleri. = we have fucked the mothers from them bastards.
2015-05-04 13:15:57 (Team) 2 huronsöhn. = son of a bitch.
and maybe a lot more.. just check out his chatlog it isn't funny anymore with those kids who can't even play and need to insult when they're just bad.

Proof: Chatlog