Handled Ban Request: The best player


Well-Known Member
28 May 2018
Name The best player
SteamID STEAM_0:0:30356006
Server Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 02.06.2018

Ban Reason Teamkilling
Additional Information
Video being too short is the next excuse? despite proving him teamkilling and seeing if he can catch a few more players before moving on?

I know this player is experienced and knows this map well, also, if you're gonna give a reply like, im sure he is looking for zombies to jump on him and trying to "hold cover" there, then stop being admin pls.

Second, this is the first round and we all know how many players who doesn't get noblock on the first round in the beginning.

Proof Demo
I know the video is short but just re watch it a couple times, if you cant ban him over this then atleast we have more material if he does something of the same caliber next time.

either way im 99.9% sure he was trying to make players hit his head there by the looks of how he was standing when i came.
A guy moving around a bit is certainly not enough proof to give out a ban. It might surprise you but we aren't actually trying to ban everyone. Not going to issue a ban on this one.

I'd like to also ask that you stop arguing with admins decisions, it's not like we just make them randomly or on a whim. Going to give you a warning now, if/when you argue my decision, I will ignore it if all you are doing is arguing the decision.

Thanks for your report,
Im just reporting what seems to be people breaking the rules and you guys should all appreciate that, i also have my points of view on things too and before rushing a conclusion if i really suspect this guy to be breaking rules from knowing him and the evidence and others then i would like to say my opinion on that if you decide not to ban.

So to me alot of the convincing evidence is him looking up on CT's and moving straight below them.

If i was spectating him, based on this video, how do you think it would look? i think it would look like him trying to teamkill someone, this was also on first round of the map where alot of players dont get noblock.

But you are convinced this was just an accident and a player moving randomly aiming straight up?

it could be but be, but it could also be him looking up at ct's and walking under them to kill them and thats why i put up the video.
atleast if he does it again we got this as backup.
Hey mate,
So I discussed this with a few other admins and honestly I did watch the video many times on a very large monitor and couldn't make out for certain if he was looking up. But, I was watching it late at night so I must have been tired or something and simply missing it, my bad :p
So after the discussions we decided he should get a ban, I'm not home currently so I've asked another admin to issue the ban, it should be put in shortly.

after review your Demo in 1080p, it was a clear thing he did it on full purpose.
I decide to give him a 1 Week Ban for this Teamkill.
Thanks for your Reports.