Ban Request: TSK

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New Member
24 Oct 2015
Name: TSK

SteamID: [U:1:268882552]

Server: Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date: 24.10.2015 __ 21:45

Reason: Teamkilling

Additional Information: Hello,

Player TSK Teamkilling me with the door

Proof: Demo
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Hello MF-Germany,

thank you for reporting TSK, but from what I see, you just started recording before you'd get killed on purpose.

Why would you go on that place at first ? it's like forcing someone to rulebreak.

Second point, TSK apologized right after.

There's no need for a ban.

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Sry for my english, i learn this, my german is not better.

The Player TSK Recordet all Players in the Game, Players warning me for this player.

why he clossed the door? he see i stand for the door and he teamkilling me.

i think this player is not fair.

other player is banned, this player say sry and is not banned, I find not Fair.

I Hope you understand me, sry for my bad english
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i did saw an zombie then i would to save you and me before you die and kill us !! you was not completly by the door thats why i did it , im very sorry that you died i didnt want
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