Best joke ever i have heard in 2024

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18 Jun 2021
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The only joke here is the fact that you think that what he wrote is a joke.
Don't you have like your own server or "forum" to attend to?

Ah wait, I forgot 💀
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The only joke here is the fact that you think that what he wrote is a joke.
Don't you have like your own server or "forum" to attend to?

Ah wait, I forgot 💀
I mean read the last line lmao.... that line made me laugh over and over.
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Best Joke in 2024,meanwhile message is from 8th of November...2023..
Did you or did you not use cheats in our servers? More than once? So I wouldn't say I was even joking.
It's getting annoying that when I post event/server ideas you react with laughter.You out of all people...
Even more annoying, is that you stick around on EH forum only to "steal" some ideas to revive your own dead server,which basically is a copy/paste from EH.
Basically made a whole thread to "expose" me? The only thing you exposed is your immaturity and your inability to answer and engage in a converstation.
Do not provoke if you can't handle being provoked back.
And Happy New Year!


Hope you don't mind if I make this my new spray in-game!
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Bro think i stick around EH forum everyday to steal ideas LOL...
dude dude come on.
I been away from home since last 4 months. I'm studying on College right now so i dont have much time to check these stuff but yes im mostly active in Steam (Chat only) and discord. I disagree with your statement. Secondly we didnt copy your server. Once you joined and there you may have seen some new ideas aswell which EH added after week lmao. Every Nova knows haha. I just login today using my brother laptop and saw your PM. Anyway i dont have anything left to say. and yes i agree that i used freescroll but not hyperscroll. Bascially people thinks hyperscroll is freescroll of logitech mouse but it is not. i spamed up and down even while in the air. and i never hacked. Go and watch my gameplay in ZE and KZ. It's not Nepali New year so no.
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I don't get why Nova has to receive hate for making an event server for our clan and guests. Maybe some actions have been a bit unorthodox, like advertising on EH even after Easy gave me several chances, I messed up and did something I knew was wrong, driven by passion. I realize now it wasn't cool and did go against the gentlemen's agreement between communities.

As stated, I can't change it and live with the punishment, nothing to do about that now. When that is said, Nova was a hunting server, as our clan, inspired by EH, wanted to make a community within a community and we've made some great friendships doing that, you @Soup^ have to know, since you were a member. Yes, maybe if you want to, you can say we copied the hunting aspect, but did you ever play it? Our server was different in many ways, we didn't copy-paste anything except the generic QoL plugins that all servers use and have been using since ZM was introduced to CS:S.

I personally am not looking for beef, but when it comes to copypaste, our last zombie beacon idea was funny enough implemented on EH a week after our first event using it, it's a plugin found online and it was exactly the same, apart from the modifications SyntX made to ours and Niko made to yours, please have that in mind. I don't know why you @Soup^ persistently have to hate on us, can't we all not just enjoy EH and leave the things that we(Nova) called admin abuse and what you(EH Staff) called undermining EH in the past, as we in Nova have learned from our mistakes and have not done anything that EH didn't approve of in a long time now.

Please don't take this as a personal attack @Soup^ but I've repeatedly seen these kinds of comments from you towards our clan, I know SyntX can be a bit roudy (Don't take this personal @SyntX I love you haha <3) so please keep this between you two, and leave the rest of Nova out of it.
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I am not constantly hating on Nova,@denied you out of all should know that since you are one of the few,if not the only,I value out of that clan.
Please don't take this as a personal attack @Soup^ but I've repeatedly seen these kinds of comments from you towards our clan
I may banter from time to time about some people having the "nova hunter" clan tag while they are 24/7 camping with auto,but that's only just banter for fun.Hell,even other clan members of yours call us "elite camperz",it's back and fourth banter,not hate.
When I say something it's hate for your clan,but when they say something it's ok? That's not how it goes.

Yeah I guess advertising for your server in EH was an unorthodox move,but it's not because it was the nova server specifically,it's because advertising in general,for ANY server,is not allowed in EH.
I left you guys alone and had no intention of engaging with you in any way,but your dear friend @SyntX constantly making fun of me and other members on the forum by laughing at our statements is something I personally don't accept.

The rest of nova is out of it,100% no doubt about that,but since your so called "leader" of the clan is acting this way,it says something about the picture of the whole clan.
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I left you guys alone and had no intention of engaging with you in any way,but your dear friend @SyntX constantly making fun of me and other members on the forum by laughing at our statements is something I personally don't accept.
Let's go back to that intention, @SyntX and @Soup^ fight has been ended, and the winner is @denied done deal.

I have to disagree, Elite Camperz is not banter, just straight facts :cool:
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I sometimes say Elite CamperZ, but I didn’t expect such turns, I thought it was just a harmless joke, but this is what is hidden behind it
I'm locking this thread, if you guys have any personal "beef" then please take that in private. This will probably just escalate into something none of us want.
in my defense, the last zombie/human beacon plugin was something I wrote on my own after playing late at night on our own server and being frustrated with 4way or bigger maps always lasting forever with a CT hiding. I never joined any other server to "steal" ideas.
The key to success to EH originates from fixing our own frustrations when playing on our own servers to ensure that everyone enjoys the gameplay.

If Nova had such a plugin it's really just a coincidence, a weird one I'll admit.
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