[CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Aha*gunpower*


Well-Known Member
14 Apr 2022
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Aha*GunPower*

SteamID STEAM_0:0:131561988

Ban/Gag reason Obscene language

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
it was well deserved but as i know here have guys with 20 gags history as my i have a lot 15 mins consol gags . I be told it can happen and if so than it be so. This shoud be 13 gag with out 15 mins console gags . IF this how it works there for pernament gag than so be it but as i look on it it be bit unfair but as so it looks admin Soup has put his personal feeling there we not 2 be good last time and no secret he bit hates me he has use his status combine his personal feelings towards gamert . If it need stay permanet so be it . No hard feelings.
i did come with difrent name and i was even be ask to stop ignore and ban was in time . i regret that but for permanet this ? it bit to match . i am sincenery apologise . Soup looks me as arogant and he is done with me that is well clear and i can not help to that, Whave admin as him he acts same to all and i am no difrent and i am happy for it . If this is the way to end like this than it is wright way .
Warning for inappropriate content
i did want to add while i have time . My insults i can not seem as haevy ones as my last sentece was to gamer Carla
dose you belives flat word existence when you look into mirror ? . With this quastion i belive so is inaf to get pernament gag . as it says obsence language . About 3 kg make up he looks she use what she is well spray on wall and i jsut discuss about it makes only insult . I only can agree when she asked to stop i did need stop and it was not cool i put this out . it was mean but in life i know if you put someting out even if it spray you must be able take critism as well . Mate i dont know i proboly look this whole system insutls gag history way difrent than you admins. I know i did ste against Soup couple months ago and since that he is on me angry and that is real reason he use all his advantage to put me where my place . Again dose this sound well deserve pernament gag if i ask gamer dose she belives flat world existence while looking into mirror ? i think it can be normal quastiion same as yea you like 3 kg make up using in your spray you use for wall . If this is obsenve language and is ianf for pernament gag than i can say GUYS dont put hard shit in game when admin Soup is in game . just do not . Hey i got my wurnings my chance to avoid this but coud not help myself to behave so our admin Soup bit helped me out . My frend ask me for what i got pernament ban and i sayed cuz i asked a quastion do you belive flat world existence while watching into mirror ? well yeaaa frend answer it makes no sence and i am like this is not about that this is about feelings i made upses step against admin couple months ago . this is all about . Here is no battle to win it is already be lost .
And still i have to apologise and i feel so . i did not folow respeect admin guidence and i made a price for it . If not soup than with time i will talk with special admin here since server admins took personl shit and using thay oporunitys thay have . Soup you are great man but you be change mate . You took bit to all serious . Comon man is my fault to ask a girl quastion what means she not have tits ? comon mate it was not that bad :( See guys tunr this shit how you want but it looks like i still be pemanet gag forever cuz i aks to manny quastions . Does i woud be offend i dont know i am 31 if Carla really got hurt in soul by that at age as i know 18 than that is only real trully reason it see i must apologise but it is to her not soup or any other fucking admin here . Am i am arogant Soup no mate i am trully not . Are you to personal Soup there ? i belive you are . if any miracle happens and my punishment can be lift/ reduce all i can promiss towards that gamer will be no more iracional quastions what coud seem as insults or soul cracking rock throw words. IF this is all about not folowing admin guidence cuz you are peace opf shit person as admin belive than i can not defend myself there . if this is about personal feelings and status admin i do not know what can help me there more .
Hey carla if you read this shit post i am sorry i am mean . all i can do i had sayed this in past and here we are again so i do not know shoud i deserve even fucking lift my punishment that my own honest thoughts . the reason why i got permanet i see bullshit but that dosnt metter . here is all about a lot more than that.
Keep hate me mate and celebrate your ego Soup . You win . I no doubt you woud ever waste this chance to silcance me for ever man . I know you man i just know you .
as i have been advise and find out my mistakes once again i must tell i apologise for my misunderstandings and my bahaviour . If you coud lift my punishmetn it woud a good sign that you are a good admin with good heart. You had all the reasons and i had all the chances. If you coud me give a chance to prove myself i can do better i woud apriciate it Soup.
Not having said a single word for a few hours and you already going delirium is actually kind of insane ngl.

First things first: I have absolutely no reason to have a "personal hate" against you as you claim.Of course this is a common mistake amongst other players as well.Just because I gag/ban/warn someone as an admin it doesn't mean I have something personal against them,or that I hate them,I am just trying to do my part as an admin.Also,obviously you don't know how admin duty works so I will try to explain it simply to you: A player can have 15 total gags for not speaking english let's say for example.That doesn't mean that the player that has heavily harassed and insulted players 3 times will have a lower communication block length. Given the seriousness of the chat situation,gag lengths differ. In other words: The worse things you say,the faster your gag length reaches to permanent.

Second of all: You start by saying that your punishment is well deserved and you knew that it was going to happen,yet in the message right after (literally 30 minutes after) I am the arrogant and super egoistic admin that made a wrong decision? Oh,also a "piece of shit person".Interesting choice of words for someone who wants his punishment lifted.What's up with that?
Your first statement contradicts the second and vice versa. You can't have both of these statements together and make sense.

Third: I want to make this as super clear as possible. This is NOT your first time doing that. You have been gagged before for doing the same thing and on multiple accounts as well,which is way worse for your case. You obviously knew what you were doing this time as well and judging by what you've written...there's not a single remorse for your words? Hell,not even towards me,I am not in need of any apology,what about towards the player that kindly asked you to stop making these comments and you just kept going? You yourself stated you are 31 years old...come on man.. We all play on the server to have fun with each other and forget about life problems,not break out our frustration into it.

On a closing note: Looking at your gag history,seems like you have had your chances and false promises of not behaving like this again and yet here we are.Easy has talked to you during your past bans and I am pretty sure he explained to you how things like these are not tolerated in the server.And by reading your insults above,I doubt that change will be seen.
The least I can do for you is follow normal gag length (Your previous one was 3 months,so,I can reduce the current one to 6 months) and I sincerely hope you take this time to account for your words and actions.This is not an ok thing to happen in a video game.
Also,while you are at it,take into consideration that all of this could have easily been avoided if you had just...stopped after Carla,me,or Dhoudz told you to do so. You brought this upon yourself.
No Soup i do not mean peace of * on you .
ban was in time and i wasnt shock it is permanent. i did not understand why . No with your great explanation i see more clear.
i agree to moust of you what be sayed . Thank you Soup ,