Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: chibre


Active Member
28 Dec 2021
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Chibraltar, ma patrie !

SteamID STEAM_0:0:6645888

Ban/Gag reason Destroy barricade

Desired outcome Reduce the length of my punishment

Statement of grounds
Hello team! I know sometimes I screw up. But overall I'm a good playmate and I just love the game. I would like a reduction in the penalty because I really like the atmosphere and the maps :)
Hello Chibre,

considering your last ban was a long time ago and we want to appreciate our active players, i'll reduce it to 1 week,
your new ban expires 2024-11-24 14:47:38, see more info here

Type !rules and follow them, time will increasy for repetive rulebreaking

I hope you will be happy with this decision :)

Sincerely Jonas
Hello Jonas,

you didn't have to and your gesture honors you. I know I did shit, and I thank you for your understanding :)

Thanks !