Denied+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: drontrixsepta


New Member
13 Oct 2019
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name drontrixsepta

SteamID 76561198362239390

Ban/Gag reason racism

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
honestly i have no idea what i even typed that evening i was not sober to be honest, im apologising for whatever i said and not doing that in future
It wasn't the first time you got gagged for racism. It wasnt the 2nd or 3rd time either. It was the 4th time you were caught being racist, you were banned for racism in 2019, again 2023 and twice in 2024. Looks like you "were not sober" since 2019 at least. Our community rules are clear, we do not accept any form of racism.Normally the 2nd is permanent already. You were lucky not to be permanently muted earlier.

According to my experience racists dont change and unbanning racists is a waste of time. Not a single player that had been unbanned after being permanently banned for racism managed not to be banned again - guess what - for racism again.

You want to use the chat again? Get a new account, repsect our rules and other nationalities/relgions and behave. Or stay quiet.

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