Denied+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Mr.Mzt


New Member
20 Feb 2021
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Mr.Mzt

SteamID STEAM_0:0:590788486

Ban/Gag reason Destroying barricades, Teaming with zombies, Abusive Chat

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
Look, I wanted to apologize if I broke the community rules or made more mistakes. I am from Spain, I do not speak English. I use the google translator to communicate with you and I did not know the server rules. They had never banned me before, it is more if I destroyed that boy's barricades, noxah it was because he destroyed mine first, and 2 times in a row he did it and it was me and I destroyed his 1 time because he did it 2 times before, that's why I did it and I apologize I did not record it .. please forgive me give me a second chance I will not make these mistakes again .. sorry this will not happen again I have always played calmly without disturbing anyone I had never been banned before please give me a second chance it will not happen again ..

You say you did not know the server rules, however a quick look at your chatlogs I found this:
L 04/08/2021 - 16:27:47: "Mr.Mzt<19811><[U:1:1181576972]><CT>" say "admin king ashur destroy my barricades BAN"
L 04/08/2021 - 16:29:32: "Mr.Mzt<19811><[U:1:1181576972]><CT>" say "It does not matter the barricades cannot be fired are rules of the server"

So it does seem that you knew about this rule.

Also, just because someone does something wrong, it doesn't give you the right to do it too. Next time, if you see someone breaking the rules, its better to just report them.

If you wish to have your ban shorten, then you should clarify what you meant when you said "I did not know the server rules".
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