Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: realstripe


Active Member
28 Aug 2023
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Stripe

SteamID STEAM_0:1:790805734

Ban/Gag reason "Teamkilling"

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
On the previous map (office rush one), I received a warning from an admin not to knife zombies into humans, and I complied to it. My intention was never to teamkill but rather, I found it enjoyable to knife zombies after respawning my death in the spawn zone as you could see.

However, on the next map, I referred to an admin as "random." Immediately after following that comment, I found myself banned from the server, as it appears the ban was caused by the use of that word rather than any knifing whatsoever.

I have included 3 demos in this request for your review of what happened in my POV for better understanding:

• In the first demo ("onetwo_2.dem"), you can see that the admin warned me by burning me for "knifing zombies into humans,"
• In the second demo ("test2.dem"), the admin warned me for "knifing zombies into humans," which is not accurate as there were no humans present where I knifed the zombie. (got infected by admin Dhoudz) --> why didn't he say anything about it? Don't know?
• In the third demo ("test2_2.dem"), the admin Blue have banned me as you can clearly see it was because of me referring admin Seele as “random”.


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First things first, your whole message about me banning you because you called him random is entirely inaccurate because I was already in the process of banning you, you manage to get a message through because the map changed, I wasn't even paying attention to what you said.

It's not about your word, it's about your actions, viewing your demos you're running around knifing alot with no thought behind it that you might teamkill someone.

What about this demo?

Yes you were warned, you've been warned multiple times before and you've been banned 6 times because of teamkilling and ruining the gameplay of teammates. Clearly you don't care about the actions you're doing.

It seems like telling you to stop is a lost cause, and that's the reason why I banned you. Someone else will be happy to fill up the slot that you take on the server while you wait out your 3 days ban. I was on a couple of nights ago and there was a bunch of people knifing zombies on marbble and judging from the chat your name popped up alot, I threw up alot of warning and didn't have time to punish anyone directly because there was way too many for me to handle alone as I was warning and observing instead.

I'm not entirely unfair, I'll happily unban you if you can just promise to stop thoughtlessly knifing zombies, especially when they end up flying directly into an teammate.


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Upon factual observation of my gameplay, it is clear that my knifing did not lead entirely to zombies infecting the teammates. In both instances in the demo about my knifing zombies "towards humans" is important to note that the infection of the human was not primarily a result of my knifing, as many zombie were already very close and surrounding the humans.

I do admit that I engaged in thoughtlessly knifing a zombie indirectly to my teammate, because immediately after respawning at the spawn zone I did it for amusement and pleasure (as you could tell by my K/D I didn't even care - just playing for fun). It was really coincidental that a human happened to appear by spawning in front during this action which I didn't clearly see because of the transparency of his skin. If it was indeed indirectly led to a teamkill I apologise for that.


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I mean, you had alot of moments and time while chasing the zombie to realize that knifing him would end up with you teamkilling someone, yet you procceded, and this is while you have past bans for teamkilling, wouldn't you learn from your intentions after that? or recognize that you're doing the same thing you got banned from before?

Also, (Picture3.png) a moment after you were frozen you knifed that zombie straight into the teammate infront of you which led to his death.

Remember that what you're saying about playing for amusement and pleasure while you don't care is fine (if it leads to breaking the rules, It's NOT fine) , but what you've done before and this is robbing other players of their amusement and pleasure of the game, so hopefully you can understand your own statement from other peoples prespective aswell
Also, (Picture3.png) a moment after you were frozen you knifed that zombie straight into the teammate infront of you which led to his death.

Considering the situation in which the zombie was positioned in the middle between my teammate and me facing each other, it seems that the outcome, whether using a knife or a gun, would likely result in either me or my teammate being infected. For example, let's imagine the scenario differently: If I had a gun instead of a knife it could have been either me or my teammate who ended up getting infected, because the zombie would've been pushed by the impact of the bullets in his direction or mine..
yeah but there wouldn't be a scenario like that if you didn't run after a zombie with a knife out while you saw there was multiple ct's infront of you during the entire time of that demo which was the problem to start with.

Either way you see it, you still did teamkill someone in the demo that's shown, I feel like this back and forth is a bit unnecessary, you teamkilled either way, which is the whole reason why you're banned.

If you can promise me that you'll stop doing things like what you've shown me in the demo I'll gladly unban you, just remember that when you do things like this you're ruining the gameplay of other who simply just want to enjoy the game
yeah but there wouldn't be a scenario like that if you didn't run after a zombie with a knife out while you saw there was multiple ct's infront of you during the entire time of that demo which was the problem to start with.

Either way you see it, you still did teamkill someone in the demo that's shown, I feel like this back and forth is a bit unnecessary, you teamkilled either way, which is the whole reason why you're banned.

If you can promise me that you'll stop doing things like what you've shown me in the demo I'll gladly unban you, just remember that when you do things like this you're ruining the gameplay of other who simply just want to enjoy the game
I apologise for running after a zombie with a knife, causing indirectly a teamkill. I promise not to do it again and hope for an opportunity to play without disrupting others' enjoyment.
I apologise for running after a zombie with a knife, causing indirectly a teamkill. I promise not to do it again and hope for an opportunity to play without disrupting others' enjoyment.
Good, as promised I've unbanned you.

Keep in mind that I've decided to give you an extra chance now despite of your past actions so please just follow the rules on the server from this point on.