[CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Wavy


Active Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
17 Oct 2015
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Wavy

SteamID espgutt

Ban/Gag reason rejoining

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
Then it was 6 years ago and I am still permanently banned. What about getting an unban after a long few years?
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I realize it’s been 5 years since your last request here but you were already given chances back then. Plenty can change in that amount of time but you don’t even try to apologize, say you’ve changed, promise you won’t do it again or anything else. Why should you have another chance after all the other chances you’ve had?
Because im not a shitkid anymore that gives a fuck about the rules. Ofc im sorry, but not always as easy to take everything 100% seriously when you have'd struggled irl back then.
I fully respect the rules for the servers. Hopefully it wouldnt bw one more time cuz my life irl is soooo much better now :)

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Ok , thanku so much. Finally on my grind with my main account. Can I now use my main name on this user without a ban? I have played on two other users since 2018
I linked the account that is unbanned, have you tried joining?