Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Protest a punishment: Woozu

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Well-Known Member
15 Jun 2022
Gamemode [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM]

Ingame name Woozu

SteamID STEAM_0:0:704683570

Ban/Gag reason bhop script

Desired outcome Lift my punishment

Statement of grounds
why was i banned there is also no demo huh

edit1: i have demo of like half my whole session bc i forgor to record demo but have like 10 other sessions aswell if that helps in any form plus another handshow but idk if you want that no good streak in there

edit 2: nevermind there is a demo
Hello yet again,I expected this and was already prepare for your arrival here.
I just opened Sourcebans and I can see the demo just fine,not sure why you cannot see it.
i can see it also viewed it and shows the same stuff i have aswell just way more fails and not just "cherry on the milkshake"


  • demo5423.dem
    7.3 MB · Views: 85
i know thats probably not the only flag out there but a wise man suggested to me "why not record demo whenever you play and give that as proof" so i have around 17 demos with me trying to bhop sometimes maybe successful sometimes maybe not tell me if you are interested
Also,do not try to convince the team you were falsely banned YET AGAIN.Since you opened your new account you have already been flagged dozens of times,and other players have already been suspicious of you,let alone the admin team.
Your handshows and your countless demos prove nothing,you havent hit a good streak in none of them so you cannot keep using them as concrete proof you are legit,because sir you are not.Stop thinking you can fool everyone.You have had your second chance to play on our servers and you decide to act/play the same way as you did before and even more blatantly.You for sure knew how to avoid any admin watching you have proof by alternating your playstyle to look like a complete bot and barely jumping,another admin who has been on to you can confirm this as well.Furthermore,
Perf:: 86.0
Avg: 1.0 / 400.2
[2:03 AM]
with spacebar??? Like come on...and this is not even the first time....I personally will not be hearing any more of your excuses,any SPA/HA can take over from here.I have nothing more to say to you.
what do you mean with "your handshows and demos dont prove anything i dont have good streak in any of them and keep using them as excuse"?

mate im literally talking about the entire play time of this 2nd account i have recorded in demos and no in them is pretty much every good streak ive hit.

edit: give me a sec i will search a good one
this one met my eye:

in the whole footage you can see me mainly enjoying being a zombie which i always do and trying to hit some bhops bc most fun for me is zombie ---> bhop very fast ---> good kill

you can see me bhopping OK not hitting anything crazy sometimes having a few perfs but then at about tick 51,000 when most humans are dead and nothing interrupting the sound of my jumps i get something crazy. Now I KNOW it looks very fishy right after i did that i just stand still but thats bc if i remember correctly i typed "lmao" in chat and didnt send it bc i thought you could see that in the demo. thats also the reason why in the demo you linked before i just stand paused for 15 secs bc right there i started my demo as you can see in the demo i sent and wrote whole letter bc i forgot to record some stuff before


  • demohi_4.dem
    24.2 MB · Views: 85
Im also willing to do anything that can prove that i dont bhop script just tell me what if its a dc livestream or idk
You have been flagged 7 times these past days, with a perf of 86% and 400 speed on spacebar which is not possible. and since you have been recording demos so much, do you have any demo that shows you bhopping when you get flagged? I actaully specced you for over 1 hour today and when i left you get flagged 3 times 5 minutes after i leave. and again getting 86% perf with spacebar is not possible without some kind of plugin/mdx bypass/script. and to explain this to you (which you probably already know) here you go

Heres a mdx stats from a hacker that bypassed mdx with 300 fps 0 catapult<122><STEAM_0:1:5327214><> Avg: 3.782154/528.870666 Perf: 0.920077 bhop_darkness -1524.804077 4164.516601 86.517425 Last: 2 2 3 5 5 2 3 3 4 7 3 3 4 3 7 6 4 4 5 3 3 2 4 4 6 2 4 4 4 4

Now, just to explain it, they bypass macrodox aka TOG that we are using by sending "legit jumps" and "fake scrolls" so basically they hold down space, and usually the hack (if setup properly) will give you a 10-20% sync increase over legit, making you seem really good at timing but usually its easily detectable because if you saw this guy get 80-90% sync every time on 300, that's a ban because it just isn't possible. FPS plays a big role in spotting someone with a mdx by-passer.

I have also been watching some videos you have sent us and can confirm you play with fps_max 300.
dude imma be honest i dont quite understand what you just told me but looks like a proper handshow livestream/video with a flag is pretty good evidence. The demo i just sent is pretty good and probably also is a flag at around tick 51000

i can try find other demos potential flags aswell but again thats like 3 hour material i will have to review. i have some nvidia replay footage a day before i got the advice to record demos 24/7. pretty sure there are flags
this one met my eye:

in the whole footage you can see me mainly enjoying being a zombie which i always do and trying to hit some bhops bc most fun for me is zombie ---> bhop very fast ---> good kill

you can see me bhopping OK not hitting anything crazy sometimes having a few perfs but then at about tick 51,000 when most humans are dead and nothing interrupting the sound of my jumps i get something crazy. Now I KNOW it looks very fishy right after i did that i just stand still but thats bc if i remember correctly i typed "lmao" in chat and didnt send it bc i thought you could see that in the demo. thats also the reason why in the demo you linked before i just stand paused for 15 secs bc right there i started my demo as you can see in the demo i sent and wrote whole letter bc i forgot to record some stuff before
I saw the demo and all I have to say is that in the first 7-8 minutes it is nothing too crazy.But after that,which includes the last 2 lives you played as infected,every bhop you start is perfect and everytime you jump you gain incredible amounts of speed.I repeat.You gain incredible amounts of speed.Every single time you start bhopping.For 10 minutes.Using spacebar(or shift or whatever you use on keyboard other than mousewheel).Simply impossible.The demo I recorded not long ago is proof you are scripting as the plugin in my game showed.But,if the demo you just sent under the name of demohi_4.dem was on my game and the plugin was on or I could see what keys you are pressing,I see potentially over 2-3 flags in the span of 10 minutes mate..Which probably did happen as most of your flags were on zm_eh_palace map..I've seen some great bhoppers on our servers doing all sorts of crazy jumps using their mousewheel,over 6000 hours of practice and haven't been flagged more than 1 or 2 times EVER while playing on our servers and in some insane logic of yours,in your total of 20 hours connected on the server you have been flagged dozens times more than our most skillful hoppers.Not a single chance in the world.
i do this every day and all night. i dont think that are 3 flags though i always think that a flag is 6 perfs in a row which i dont think ive hit there 3 times maybe 6 and 1 fail or 5/4 perfs but then no jump. it would also not fit with sour's 7 flags in total bc with ur logic it might be over 20 flags. still have some nvidia footage which are surely flags and some nvidia footage on other servers but that are flags let me know if you want me to upload em to yt and send em here or we can arrange a time where i can livestream through dc with phone and have a live handcam
i do this every day and all night. i dont think that are 3 flags though i always think that a flag is 6 perfs in a row which i dont think ive hit there 3 times maybe 6 and 1 fail or 5/4 perfs but then no jump. it would also not fit with sour's 7 flags in total bc with ur logic it might be over 20 flags. still have some nvidia footage which are surely flags and some nvidia footage on other servers but that are flags let me know if you want me to upload em to yt and send em here or we can arrange a time where i can livestrea
Sour is talking about 7 flags in the past few days,not in total,do not change words to your advantage.If we talk about getting flagged since you opened your new account,I would go with it being a two-digit number of times.
well then pls tell me the whole number i got with my account im not trying to change anything to my advantage i havent played for a lot of days with this acc and two-digit doesnt help a lot
You have been flagged 7 times these past days, with a perf of 86% and 400 speed on spacebar which is not possible. and since you have been recording demos so much, do you have any demo that shows you bhopping when you get flagged? I actaully specced you for over 1 hour today and when i left you get flagged 3 times 5 minutes after i leave. and again getting 86% perf with spacebar is not possible without some kind of plugin/mdx bypass/script. and to explain this to you (which you probably already know) here you go

Heres a mdx stats from a hacker that bypassed mdx with 300 fps 0 catapult<122><STEAM_0:1:5327214><> Avg: 3.782154/528.870666 Perf: 0.920077 bhop_darkness -1524.804077 4164.516601 86.517425 Last: 2 2 3 5 5 2 3 3 4 7 3 3 4 3 7 6 4 4 5 3 3 2 4 4 6 2 4 4 4 4

Now, just to explain it, they bypass macrodox aka TOG that we are using by sending "legit jumps" and "fake scrolls" so basically they hold down space, and usually the hack (if setup properly) will give you a 10-20% sync increase over legit, making you seem really good at timing but usually its easily detectable because if you saw this guy get 80-90% sync every time on 300, that's a ban because it just isn't possible. FPS plays a big role in spotting someone with a mdx by-passer.

I have also been watching some videos you have sent us and can confirm you play with fps_max 300.

Like i said getting a perf with over 70% with fps_max 300 is very hard (i play with 300 fps mousewheel and i have been doing it since 2006) i have been flagged a couple of times with months apart and we have had world record bhoppers playing on our servers many many times, and also spacebars jumpers which usually play on fps_max 30. in no way is it possible to get 80+ perf everyday on max_fps 300. I suggest you go to your bed and revalute your life of hacks.
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bro dont be so mean to me and also answer my questions please

-do you want nvidia replay function footage of your server
---> mind if i give you some of other servers aswell that i did shortly after i played on the server

-want to arrange a time where i livestream with my phone on dc and do a live handshow

-could anything else help this case? (e.g. me playing on autobhop server with decent strafes, the handshow i have from the 16th of december 2022, look for other demos you can review)

and no just because i play on 300 fps max it doesnt mean i cheat i think most of my friends even play with 300 fps max and no they dont use spacebar but yes they are very good and also were flagged by some ac once
i can see that this thread got a "denied" emblem on here but would still like to see a last response from an admin here so i can confirm that my last msg was read and still denied.
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Woozu I will respond to you one last time, this is not an invitation to send me more dms, I will tell you this once and that's that.

You could be legit, you could just be the best bhopper in the entire game, but the odds of it are simply not in your favor. As I told you before, the chances of you just being legit with everything we know are more than small enough for us to feel confident in issuing bans. No amount of random videos will change that, we believe we have enough to be reasonably confident in issuing bans on your accounts because the odds of you being completely legit with all the information we have are just too small. If you are truly legit then I am sorry, but this is our stance. That's the last thing I'll say on this matter.
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i can see that this thread got a "denied" emblem on here but would still like to see a last response from an admin here so i can confirm that my last msg was read and still denied.
Read and still denied,as SPA already said,no need for further explaining.
Woozu I will respond to you one last time, this is not an invitation to send me more dms, I will tell you this once and that's that.

You could be legit, you could just be the best bhopper in the entire game, but the odds of it are simply not in your favor. As I told you before, the chances of you just being legit with everything we know are more than small enough for us to feel confident in issuing bans. No amount of random videos will change that, we believe we have enough to be reasonably confident in issuing bans on your accounts because the odds of you being completely legit with all the information we have are just too small. If you are truly legit then I am sorry, but this is our stance. That's the last thing I'll say on this matter.
yeah okay cool great but why are you guys afraid of a live handshow stream on dc its not like im black or something
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