Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Anal is my favorite position

Hail To The King Baby

Ex Admin
1 Aug 2015
Name Anal is my favorite position

SteamID STEAM_0:0:21981988

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date 04:28 on the 6-5-22

Report Reason Severely bad Spraylogos

Additional Information
pron logo with genetials

Proof Screenshot
I'm gonna say the same thing here as I did in the post before, we deal with bad spray logos ingame instead of banning players for it, then they won't be able to use any sprays on our servers until we have checked it to make sure it's fine with our rules regarding sprays.

Thanks for letting me know, as said I'll check the mentioned sprays out once I see them online
I mean, of course there's a point, letting me know means I'll just check their sprays instantly as I see them online, if it's bad I'm banning it. So there's no need to feel like this is for nothing.