Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: B!SU


Ex Admin
1 Jul 2023
Name B!SU

SteamID STEAM_0:0:10226228

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date 18:15; 19/05/24

Report Reason Blocking/Ruining the gameplay

Additional Information
B1su naded vending machine away so players could not jump on a box to get on platform.

Proof Demo


  • B!SU.dem
    1.2 MB · Views: 90
Thanks for your report Kitsu but 3 things to mention here:

  • I see that he did throw a nade at the very start of the provided demo,however the machine didn't travel a long distance and someone shot it right back,so everyone climbed up and nobody was killed + the player in the demo did not insist on shooting it away with his gun.
  • I also see that admin "Zicke" is present at the server,judging from your demo.The use of forum reports is for punishing a rulebreaker whenever no admin is online. As you already know yourself, please use the admin chat to report any rulebreaking you see so an admin online and in the server can deal with it.
  • With each and every one of your forum report,you are also needed to provide of a screenshot of your console after typing "status" in it,showing the reported player's Steam ID.

To conclude,a ban will not be issued on the reported player.