Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: BEACH or if you want H3IsTheOne


Well-Known Member
14 Jun 2018
Name BEACH or if you want H3IsTheOne
SteamID STEAM_0:1:516645485
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 18.01.2020

Report Reason
Heavily Insulting/Swearing
Additional Information
check his chatlog and also names he is using. I asked Rosk1ng several times to sort it as he was online but he ignored it and later left. Oh, what is our friend H3IsTheOne doing recently ?
Proof Chatlog
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its sad for all those player what u kill at spawn, or for u camp, just go and play for fun but not like that pls

u dont need mess with wolsman he is 100x better then u he dont need to kill ppl at spawn or to camp idk why a player like u try to be good ()

i have today a bad day, but that what u do is just stupid for that server
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H3IsTheOne is a great addition to this server, banning him would only infuriate regular players who enjoy playing with him. Rhodo don't allow personal issues with someone to encourage this kind of attitude towards other players, this is a game, people come to eh to have fun, unless you have clear evidence that he is ruining the server, leave him alone.
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[Dғ] rhodocyte
40d 12:42:02h 29,490 5,898 5.00 6,503 0.22 0.0% -> spawnkill and camp
2 Wolsman
26d 12:01:26h -> hunt
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Everyone that's not involved in the ban request should NOT be posting in here, stop spamming and arguing with eachother, and start behaving aswell.

The mention player in the ban request has been banned from the servers.
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