Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Fuzzxusdt & Covid-19


Well-Known Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
Ex Admin
11 Oct 2014
Name Fuzzxusdt & Covid-19

SteamID STEAM_0:0:170703070 & STEAM_0:0:31719059

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date around 6:35pm - 2022-02-28

Report Reason Game/Map exploit

Additional Information
Actual report reason: Spamming.
Both were spamming the chat. I also checked their chatlog @hlstatsx it wasn't the first time they been spamming.

Proof Screenshot


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Normally this is something an admin would have to handle in-game but after seeing their chatlog and knowing they are both aware of our rules as they have previous bans and gags I've decided to gag them both.

Our servers are no place to be spamming something like this and hopefully, it will be their last time acting this way.
Thanks for the report.
The problem with servers is very common in many popular online games. But this is less common in Minecraft. That's why I switched from CS to Minecraft. There are about 10 thousand servers for playing together. And the number of active players per month is about 80-90 million people, Agree, very large and significant figures, but still why are so many players lured by the game already in 2011? After all, there are a lot of modern games that can replace minecraft. But thanks to such services that provide Minecraft Server List, the game remains relevant.