Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Gamer CSS


1 Nov 2024
Nome CSS do jogador

ID do Steam CSS do jogador (STEAM_0:0:532481521

Servidor [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Hora e data 10:15

Motivo do relatório Matar companheiros de equipe de propósito, bloquear/arruinar a jogabilidade, destruir barricadas de companheiros de equipe, insultar/xingar fortemente (captura de tela do jogo necessária)

Informações adicionais
I already sent him a demo and a screenshot of the last time he insulted me, but you didn't accept it because it couldn't be videos of third party programs, so I did what you sent me through the css console, there are insults and proof of what he did destroy barricades, constantly does this to teammates, this is a proof that it doesn't have to be a 30 minute ban, but more because doing it every day that passes and no one does anything is absurd

Prova Demo


  • gamercss.dem
    4.8 MB · Views: 20
Last edited:
Thank you for the report.

In the demo.. i can clearly see that you were blocked by one of the vending machines on purpose.
Afterwards, both props were shot out, leaving the spot propless (barricade destroying).

The player has been banned for destroying the barricade/ruining the gameplay.

His chat behavior was handled in-game by easy, so there’s no need for further actions from my side.
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Reactions: easy