Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Hans

Ginger Gone Wild

Active Member
6 Feb 2024
Name Hans

SteamID STEAM_0:0:14887487

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date 08/08/2024 11:30 USA EST

Report Reason Killing teammates on Purpose

Additional Information
I do not know if my demo is good or not but on the map, Hans kept knifing ZMs into CTs and getting everyone killed. This time he got his buddy (didnt get get his name) to knife him into CTs and got people killed.

Proof Demo
Hey,thanks for your report.

Sadly I was not able to use the Drive Function in your demo to catch the name of the guy knifeboosting him,so he will get away with it,for now that is.

However,player Hans has been banned for Teaming.

Another friendly reminder: Please make sure with each of your report,alongside the demo,provide us with a screenshot of the console after typing "status" in it.
Hey,thanks for your report.

Sadly I was not able to use the Drive Function in your demo to catch the name of the guy knifeboosting him,so he will get away with it,for now that is.

However,player Hans has been banned for Teaming.

Another friendly reminder: Please make sure with each of your report,alongside the demo,provide us with a screenshot of the console after typing "status" in it.
thanks! From now on, I will do the demo/screenshot/status screenshot. If you can tell me, did I do "status" in the demo.? I have not watched it and cannot recall. I was just pissed that I did a demo and cannot recall if I did everything needed.
It's ok, you should do it after you are finished recording your demo,as the status command tends to crash them.

And no,in the demo you provided you didn't type it in.Otherwise,the demo would have crashed the moment you did.