Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Hans


Well-Known Member
25 Mar 2020
Name Hans

SteamID STEAM_0:0:14887487

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date 31.08.2024/ 22:50

Report Reason Killing teammates on Purpose, Teaming/Not following the game objective

Additional Information
Suicide multiple times on cannals to teamkilling, knifing the zombies into teammates.

Proof Demo


  • demo1.dem
    10.6 MB · Views: 62
Hello arcovk!

I've checked the demo and he hasn't infringed any rules. Has he tried to stab any zombies towards humans? Yes, did he succeed? No. For me there is no reason for banning. I would change my mind if he stabbed the zombie towards the other players.

On the other hand, in this kind of report, you/we need a screenshot with the console status command.

However, we will keep an eye on him.

Best regards,
At the end of the demo, he suicide to kill teammates from behind, because no zombies around, he spawn in the middle of map behind all players and kill them, recheck demo, clearly you can see how many people kill after respawn. He doing this every round. Also check his another bans for the same reason.
Here is the status, because i type status before stop the demo, but demo file crashed.


  • 20240831225151_1.jpg
    450.4 KB · Views: 58
Hello arcovk,

"At the end of the demo, he suicide to kill teammates from behind, because no zombies around, he spawn in the middle of map behind all players and kill them"

That is not considered teamkill nor is it a reason for banning. What's wrong with committing suicide and playing as a zombie to kill humans?

W/e from my point of view it is not a reason for punishment, however, I will talk to SPA/HA to confirm it.

Hello arcovk,

After talking with my mates, i came to the conclusion that the person deserves to be punished.

Hans has been banned for 24 hours for Team Killing
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