Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: J( 'ー`)しTonny + Sacred Growl + ねいぴあ + Mikabrute banditcamp.com


Well-Known Member
11 May 2018
Name J( 'ー`)しTonny + Sacred Growl + ねいぴあ + Mikabrute banditcamp.com

SteamID STEAM_1:0:21107977 + STEAM_1:0:172503305 + STEAM_1:0:530299769 + STEAM_0:1:18326039

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date August 11th around 9 o'clock CET

Report Reason Teaming/Not following the game objective

Additional Information
I spotted the teaming at tick 18'000 when I looked into the gateway. However, their teamwork started much earlier, as you can partially see on the map when you freeze your position at very specific timestamps/points on the map and use the Drive function. They managed to lift one zombie onto the roof and infect a group.

demo file
Proof Demo


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Thanks for your report @Tirant

Be aware next time and check all the STEAM IDS you provide as 3/4 you provided in this report were false.

All players mentioned have been banned for Teaming/Knifeboosting into teammates.

Sorry about that, but which ID was wrong? I checked again and didn't spot the error.

Edit: To convert steamID3 into steamID format I generally use steamid.io which gives me 1:0:xxx instead of 0:0:xxx for Tonny and Sacred Growl. How come? Two other finders however (steamidxyz.com and steamidfinder.com) give me the zeros. And there's steamid.pro which gives me the 1:0:xxx again. Confusing! HLstatsX seems to be the only website that provides the correct IDs at all times. Unfortunately, I don't always find the right page for the player I'm looking for, especially when the player has a short name or something in Cyrillic for example. Any Idea on how to overcome this confusion and provide the right IDs for the future?
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You can type smac_status in console to get the SteamID.
Sorry about that, but which ID was wrong? I checked again and didn't spot the error.

Edit: To convert steamID3 into steamID format I generally use steamid.io which gives me 1:0:xxx instead of 0:0:xxx for Tonny and Sacred Growl. How come? Two other finders however (steamidxyz.com and steamidfinder.com) give me the zeros. And there's steamid.pro which gives me the 1:0:xxx again. Confusing! HLstatsX seems to be the only website that provides the correct IDs at all times. Unfortunately, I don't always find the right page for the player I'm looking for, especially when the player has a short name or something in Cyrillic for example. Any Idea on how to overcome this confusion and provide the right IDs for the future?
Regarding these 3 "STEAM_1:0:21107977 + STEAM_1:0:172503305 + STEAM_1:0:530299769" Steam IDS , it seems like they are wrong because the first digit is 1 instead of 0.

I have highlighted the digit I am talking about ^