Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Jun Ming


Well-Known Member
22 Apr 2023
Greater Manchester, UK (GB)


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He continues to use my name and shows no intention of changing it.


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I just want to mention that sxmity used my name first, so I thought that it was only appropriate that I did the same thing to him. Of course he chose not to mention this in his report.
full log for the admins to judge.


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Hi sxmity,

It is not against rules for players taking names of other players.
And you yourself did admit to doing the same thing to him.

And regarding the chat, even from screenshots it's not enough for a player to be gagged. Stuff he says might be unpleasant to some but he is not violating rules, in my opinion.

That said, I don't see anything that would constitute as rule violation. And Jung can keep his new name.

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