Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: KTO HA HOBEHЬKOГO + porruo + RTT + doomer_sp


Well-Known Member
22 Apr 2023
Greater Manchester, UK (GB)
Name KTO HA HOBEHЬKOГO (total 1 ban) + porruo (total 2 bans) + RTT + doomer_sp (total 5 bans)

SteamID STEAM_0:1:444748898 + STEAM_0:1:13234287 + STEAM_0:0:39532842 + STEAM_0:0:573623285

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date September 18th, 2023, at 4:50 PM (GMT+2)

Report Reason Killing teammates on Purpose, Blocking/Ruining the gameplay

Additional Information
Russian guy's demo reveals he leaves others with his own elevator.
Purruo and RTT are revealed for blocking teammates on the top floor in the second and third demos.
Lastly, Doomer goes back on his commitment to repeat the same rule violation in the fourth demo.
Please be aware that Zicke is AFK, while these people are engaging in rulebreaking.

Proof Demo


  • russian.dem
    1 MB · Views: 71
  • purruoandrtt.dem
    736.7 KB · Views: 71
  • purruoandrtt1.dem
    809.6 KB · Views: 68
  • doomer.dem
    1.1 MB · Views: 74
Last edited:
Hey sxmity,

we do not ban for not waiting for your teammates at the elevator, if this happens just once, so i wont ban KTO HA HOBEHЬKOГO.
purrou was banned by Kr1pt1c for another offense later, so no need to ban.
RTT was banned for blocking/teaming.
And last doomer_sp got permbanned, since he has been warned/banned for not waiting before and this is his second account (first is already permbanned).

Please remember to type smac_status at the end of each demo, so we can check the ID.
Hey sxmity,

we do not ban for not waiting for your teammates at the elevator, if this happens just once, so i wont ban KTO HA HOBEHЬKOГO.
purrou was banned by Kr1pt1c for another offense later, so no need to ban.
RTT was banned for blocking/teaming.
And last doomer_sp got permbanned, since he has been warned/banned for not waiting before and this is his second account (first is already permbanned).

Please remember to type smac_status at the end of each demo, so we can check the ID.
Hey @Dhoudz, thanks for the info. I tried adding a status in the first demo before, but it ended up crashing the game.