Handled [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Lampogriz


Ex Admin
22 Feb 2015
Name Lampogriz
SteamID STEAM_0:1:41778328
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date recently

Report Reason
Teaming/Not following the game objective
Additional Information
He did it also 2 times before on that map but this short sequence is all I got. Nevertheless I think it still shows enough.
Proof Demo


  • teaming.dem
    2 MB · Views: 50
Hi, Data.

I asked for second opinions in the admin team just to make sure as you insisted that the provided evidence would be good enough, but as all of us who had a look at the demo agreed that the evidence was insufficient as we can’t see what happened before the demo begins as the zombies had already started infecting eachother as the demo starts playing we’re not going to be issuing any punishment here as we can’t take actions based on what it might look like as we don’t know for sure how the zombies got there in the first place, although it’s more likely someone could have been breaking the rules by teaming as you’re claiming. Hope you can see why we decided not to issue any ban here.

Happy hunting and thank you for the report as usual.