[CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Slider


Well-Known Member
22 Apr 2020
Name Slider

SteamID STEAM_0:0:14046816

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date Now

Report Reason Severely bad Spraylogos

Additional Information
Was warned by me several times about the forbidden spray, he was also warned by other players, does not react

Proof Screenshot
Thanks for the report !

Please keep the reports clean and don't comment if you aren't concerned / if you don't bring anything more
As with every report on the subject of sprays, this request can only be processed in game. I put a warrant on this player so that the admins know when he will be connected on the servers

The proof is valid but I edited your posts to remove the pornographics images, that's not the purpose of the forum

Hoping to keep you informed on this subject !