Invalid [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: TannerYes


Well-Known Member
9 Jan 2023
Name TannerYes

SteamID STEAM_0:1:40502564

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date 25/03/2023 4:00h

Report Reason Heavily Insulting/Swearing, Racism

Additional Information
Player TannerYes was heavily insulting tonight, so I took the liberty of checking his recent chat history which is infinitely worse. I'll link it, so his garbage isn't openly displayed again. It seems that until now he's received no comm or server bans, or I missed something.

2023-03-25 4:00:12 was from tonight

2023-03-24 10:33:03
2023-03-24 10:28:20

2023-03-23 11:03:36

2023-03-07 07:19:34 and further back it gets worse

I hope no actual in-game screenshot proof is required.

Proof Chatlog
Hello Aftershock, we appreciate that you took time out of your day to report said player.
Unfortunately, without any in-game proof, we will not be-able to take any actions toward "said player" for their "chat history". This is not a form of proof that we can accept.
For the future, capture a demo/recording or screenshot of the player you are trying to report, and we will be able to take action on said player, if they are breaking the rules that is.
If you so happen to collect this information, you can provide it down below and I will happily respond to it.
Hello Aftershock, we appreciate that you took time out of your day to report said player.
Unfortunately, without any in-game proof, we will not be-able to take any actions toward "said player" for their "chat history". This is not a form of proof that we can accept.
For the future, capture a demo/recording or screenshot of the player you are trying to report, and we will be able to take action on said player, if they are breaking the rules that is.
If you so happen to collect this information, you can provide it down below and I will happily respond to it.
Hi BongCheck :)

That's a bummer. I was hoping his recorded chat log was sufficient proof. There was ample opportunity to screenshot what he said last night, but I figured referring to his chat log would give a more accurate and complete picture. I'll definitely screenshot in-game from now on so this doesn't happen again.

Could you nuance why an in-game screenshot of chat is better proof than the official chat log with the server, the player's name and their Steam ID tied together with timestamps? After all, a screenshot of a name and their message in-game isn't waterproof.

Cheers :)
To essentially break it down to its simplest form, we just don't want people, normal players or admins, crawling through players chat logs looking for something to punish. If a player is being punished it should be for something an admin has actually seen, be that in-game, from screenshots of the chat, or through a demo. Hope that makes sense, if you want to talk more about it though, feel free to shoot me a DM here or on discord.
To essentially break it down to its simplest form, we just don't want people, normal players or admins, crawling through players chat logs looking for something to punish. If a player is being punished it should be for something an admin has actually seen, be that in-game, from screenshots of the chat, or through a demo. Hope that makes sense, if you want to talk more about it though, feel free to shoot me a DM here or on discord.
Hello Lotus :)

That makes a lot of sense actually, thank you for clarifying. My intuition was just to draw a more complete picture of his verbal abuse, so it's clear this isn't a one time thing. What better way than to link his track record I thought.

Either way, I understand and will provide in-game screenshots next time round.
