Invalid [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: teji


3 Apr 2022
Name teji

SteamID STEAM_0:0:110396259

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date June 26 08:25 am CST

Report Reason Teaming/Not following the game objective

Additional Information
Teji was teaming with ЦSG] - La BouZe. Knifing zombie into teammates.

Proof Demo
Can you please attach the demo in the report straight through your game directory?
Appreciate it in advance.
Can you please attach the demo in the report straight through your game directory?
Appreciate it in advance.
Negative, Soup. I use my motherboard MSI software to record demo. It automatically records .mp4 so I uploaded to dailymotion. I just wanted to put attention on
Teji. I'm pretty sure he will re-offend. I'll setup the .dem in console for future ban requests. The demo plays at 480p but can be adjusted up to 1440p quality.
Apologies,but we DO need the .dem file straight through the game's directory ( the one you record by typing "record +demoname" in console,but I suppose you already know that).

That's the only form of evidence we can use to issue a ban through forum reports.