Name 추털이
SteamID # 21476 "추털이" [U:1:121878870] 57:31 299 0 active
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 2024.9.9 14.00
Report Reason Blocking/Ruining the gameplay
Additional Information
Sorry, my English is not good,This player deliberately blocked the road with his body and deliberately let us be killed by zombies.
Proof Screenshot
SteamID # 21476 "추털이" [U:1:121878870] 57:31 299 0 active
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 2024.9.9 14.00
Report Reason Blocking/Ruining the gameplay
Additional Information
Sorry, my English is not good,This player deliberately blocked the road with his body and deliberately let us be killed by zombies.
Proof Screenshot