hello EH team.

got blunt

3 Feb 2012
:D :D :D :D My origanal bann was friday the 3th between 18;00 and 19;30 some where between those time
so i get an permanent ban after protest they made it 2 days=wich is 48hours
right now its sunday the 5th 21;45 and im still banned, can some 1 have a look and unbann me please?
thank u very much;p


got blunt?
btw if you try to join a server and you're still banned (for example at 22:29:59) you will be autobanned for 5 minutes, you then should wait 5 minutes atleast between one retry and another.
der typ wurde entbannd der laagt wie sau und beleidigt die leute auf englisch den könnt ihr wieder bannen ;D