Hello, hi and servus

Gevatter Tod

New Member
27 Jan 2016
Germany / Chiemsee

I´m new in this forum, but play for some time on your servers.

My name is Johann, i´m 26 and i come from bavaria / germany.

My hobbys are gaming (hard to believe) and fishing.

I mostly play Zombie hunting ;)

My activ time is most in the morning (yea, i have a good job ;)).
Sooner or later i want apply for admin, because in the morning is rarely a admin online and the teaming is irritating :scream:
Hello Johann, welcome on Elite HunterZ, hope you'll have a great time :)
grias de! freit mi dass aa no andere boar do unterwegs han
A late hello but :kappa_pride: HEYA :kappa_pride:
mia han oafach übaoi ^^