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got blunt

3 Feb 2012
I just got banned, reason; SABOTAGE, telling finny what 2 do and lots of more abusive stuff ;p
mmm not realy tbh...maybe i was a bit mad @ door closer, and asked if finny can watch or controll this door closing cuz it only happend in the first 10/15 seconds :lol: cuz u admins know this happends 2 many times; the fact that u guys copy past the warning of door closers or blokker or any kind of abusive play can lead 2 bann.. but still guys pull the joke of closing the doors;while admins are in server!!
I like the EH servers alot and play many hours on your servers and act properly and follow the rules.
maybe finny overreacted a little bit; cuz i changed my name in 2 got blunt? finny is admin lol
maybe he got mad but still why would u give me permanent bann while i only want is that the game played fair as it used 2 be without door closers teamers blokker etc etc.. any way if u understood me wrong or what ever; sry for that :cry: <3u Finny dont be mad ;p
Hi, yes I'm the bad admin who banned you.

I first want to say something to you and other people who read this post.. :

Many players in the servers think that admin job is always easy and fun, and they suppose that
admins always see everything, every rule breakings and so on. But when there's too much rule breaking
for only one admin to be taken care of,you just simply cannot see everything or be in many places at once,
and even the admins want to have some fun on the servers.

So this is what happened today evening; (pretty good example for what I just had written.)
I was playing on zombiemod server, on map 4waytunnel. Just playing normally.
Then people started to complain that there was some people blocking the elevators.
So I had to 'stop the fun-playing-mode' and go serious and check for the elevator blockers.
Meanwhile you started to complain that there was too many doorclosers, so on the next round I tried to hurry
to the doors to see who's closing them, but I wasn't fast enough to see it, so I couldn't punish anyone for doorclosing.
So you started to blame me for that and telling me that I can't do my job as an admin and I suck at admining
and so on >a shit lines of text I honestly didn't even read all of them> you even changed your name to something "Finny EH-Admin = Fail."
I kicked you with a reason 'Change your name' So you must be very idiot, when after warning kick you come up
with a name Finny=Admin lol. It actually means the same as the name you used before, so at this point I decided that you
earned a ban.

So actually you little over reacted when you started to tell me that I suck at admining etc.
But dont worry I don't blame you for it, because you didn't know that there was lots of other stuff for me to do,
so I couldn't be checking for the doors all the time.

So now I want to thank you for your apologize.
And I will decrease your ban length to..
2 Days. http://bans.elite-hunterz.info/index.ph ... 482&Submit

I hope this was a good story, atleast a long story.
Have a nice day.
Re: hi, from perm/ to 2 days lmao finny fix bann in 2 10minu

Still kinda lame 2 bann me permanent and after post make it 2 days dude for real how about 2 days bann lengt did i curse @ you did i told something about ut mom did u close doors did i teamed what ever 2 days is even way 2 long finny i know u hate me..
i bet it hast 2 do with that afk @ spawn when i was zombi and came back from afk and u was @ spawn shooting and start accusing me for low being afk en try knifing u.. i think ur still mad get a life and fix the ban lengt 2 days dude people who are being racist in server get less dan 24 hour bann etc why u give me 2 days i think ur kinda aggro kidd finny be a man and fix bann lengt to 10min so easy instead of being childish and make it from permanent to 2 days ???/ u must be joker in real life :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
i was about to decrease the ban to 4 hours and let it expire but after your post you definitely not deserve it, ban stays for 2 days
Re: hi, from perm/ to 2 days lmao finny fix bann in 2 10minu

got blunt said:
Still kinda lame 2 bann me permanent and after post make it 2 days dude for real how about 2 days bann lengt did i curse @ you did i told something about ut mom did u close doors did i teamed what ever 2 days is even way 2 long finny i know u hate me..
i bet it hast 2 do with that afk @ spawn when i was zombi and came back from afk and u was @ spawn shooting and start accusing me for low being afk en try knifing u.. i think ur still mad get a life and fix the ban lengt 2 days dude people who are being racist in server get less dan 24 hour bann etc why u give me 2 days i think ur kinda aggro kidd finny be a man and fix bann lengt to 10min so easy instead of being childish and make it from permanent to 2 days ???/ u must be joker in real life :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Nice post,

even admins have different opinions in stuff.
My opinion was to give you 2 days ban, and IMO It was long enough, and not too long,

but due to that post you'd deserve 2 days longer ban in my opinion, but I'll leave it alone.
So just take it easy and rest for 2 days.

Case closed, nothing more to add here, lock the thread to avoid getting more angry posts.

Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:01 am
Posts: 1920

Re: hi,

i was about to decrease the ban to 4 hours and let it expire but after your post you definitely not deserve it, ban stays for 2 days,
i would say talk is cheap, this kind of words dont mean rags 2 me.... i was about 2 blablalbla sure if u where a real man
u would decrease and not would blalbalbal be a man put money where ur mouth is... still i did not do any thing wrong
only thing is finny gets out of line period and ass fellow admin u should decrese ban instead of treath 2 say i was about 2 do this do that blblalblala what ever put money where ur mouth is and do it instead of i would do this i would nlabla and than say u probebly deserve it just say u want some thing 2 say, i dont care make it permanent i did not do any thing wrong or said any thing wrong

have a nice life :geek:
got blunt said:

Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:01 am
Posts: 1920

Re: hi,

i was about to decrease the ban to 4 hours and let it expire but after your post you definitely not deserve it, ban stays for 2 days,
i would say talk is cheap, this kind of words dont mean rags 2 me.... i was about 2 blablalbla sure if u where a real man
u would decrease and not would blalbalbal be a man put money where ur mouth is... still i did not do any thing wrong
only thing is finny gets out of line period and ass fellow admin u should decrese ban instead of treath 2 say i was about 2 do this do that blblalblala what ever put money where ur mouth is and do it instead of i would do this i would nlabla and than say u probebly deserve it just say u want some thing 2 say, i dont care make it permanent i did not do any thing wrong or said any thing wrong

have a nice life :geek:

You just cannot face the fact that you have been banned.
Rest for 2 days and feel free to come back on our servers to have some fun.

And I bet you would come later and beg us to unban you if we permanently banned you.

We're not trying to be rude @ you, we're more like trying to teach you a lesson so you wont redo such things in the future.

why's this thread still not locked..
what? i didnt understand 1 word.. wtf money in my mouth? :D locked.
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