Make a map for our servers and get a reward!


Retired SPA/HA
Retired SPA/HA
27 Sep 2014
Hello everyone.

We are looking for old or new map makers to make maps for our Zombiemod servers.
The maps should mainly be for our v1 server but if they fit v3 as well that would be sweet. The map should be something different than what we already have, we don't need more cbble maps but if you have a good idea you want to make a map of we'll be pleased to see what you create and even give a reward for it.

64 spawns
well optimized so players have a decent fps.
Be creative, don't copy too much from other maps.
Appropriate size, not too big and not too small.

The rewards may vary from how well the maps are made. Putting together a 1 hour map that looks boring and uninteresting may not lead to a good reward but if you make a map where you actually put time in it and listen to the community regarding changes and improvements where you also keep us updated about the map we'll be happy to give a decent reward for it in form of free premium, a special skin for map makers only and maybe even a game or gift card.

If you decide to make a map please post it at the Mapping Forum, let us know which project(s) you are working on and provide us with a few pictures so we can give you our feedback.

Kind regards the Special admins and Head Admins.
No one is interested in map making? We could really use some new map makers, put your ideas to life, you can take a look at tutorials on youtube on how to make a map if you are new to it. We would appreciate it a lot if some people can come up with some decent maps :)
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