March Map Testing

My hands are itching to recommend my cards and see how they are played over the course of a month, but is it necessary to do this?
  1. From all the special map testing that I have done in the past,I could say I have a few suggestions of my own ( probably for next month or whenever if this isn't a monthly thing ),add these two maps on normal rotation for a short period of time to see how people like them,from the testing and asking I have done people seem to really enjoy playing on these: zm_zmso_fix and zm_eh_sandhunt_v2.

  2. I also used to have hopes for maybe zm_eh_forgotten_town_v3 and zm_salem_hunting_playground to make it to normal rotation as well,but I think both of these maps suffer from high camp spots which autosnipers sit and basically have sightline on most if not the whole map.
  1. From all the special map testing that I have done in the past,I could say I have a few suggestions of my own ( probably for next month or whenever if this isn't a monthly thing ),add these two maps on normal rotation for a short period of time to see how people like them,from the testing and asking I have done people seem to really enjoy playing on these: zm_zmso_fix and zm_eh_sandhunt_v2.

  2. I also used to have hopes for maybe zm_eh_forgotten_town_v3 and zm_salem_hunting_playground to make it to normal rotation as well,but I think both of these maps suffer from high camp spots which autosnipers sit and basically have sightline on most if not the whole map.
Bring back V1, Problem solved! 🥰
With March coming to an end, this round of testing will conclude tomorrow. The normal map rotation will be restored while we assess the results of the test. If you have anything you would like to say regarding dust, examen, or origin, now would be the time to do so.
With March coming to an end, this round of testing will conclude tomorrow. The normal map rotation will be restored while we assess the results of the test. If you have anything you would like to say regarding dust, examen, or origin, now would be the time to do so.
Dust is a good map, but I think some areas need to be fixed.
Examen is a beautiful map, and also pleasant to play. I have seen autosnipers complain many times, so I would really like this map to be accepted.
Origin is just a map, it's pleasing to the eye.
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The maps have now been removed/replaced on the nomination list while we take a bit of time to assess the results of our testing. Will aim to post any final results within the next few days
After some discussions, we have some final conclusions on the testing.

Examen will be added to the normal map rotation. Origin and dust unlimited will be moved back to the special map list.

Origin - There are still some issues with this map that make it really good for CTs but not very fun for ZMs. We are working on an updated version based on how the map was played over the past month, so you may see that on the servers soon.

Dust unlimited - This map played fine but it played like most standard ZM maps which defeats the purpose of having a map like dust2 in the rotation. It will still be fun to play on occasion, but can't replace the original.
Sorry - late to the game here -glad original dust is back. Examen was great but I really liked Origin. There are a few issues but I actually liked being a ZM on the map. There are some great spots to where I was able to hide and bait the CTs and go with a team of 45 plus CTs left and knock them down below 20.
Sorry - late to the game here -glad original dust is back. Examen was great but I really liked Origin. There are a few issues but I actually liked being a ZM on the map. There are some great spots to where I was able to hide and bait the CTs and go with a team of 45 plus CTs left and knock them down below 20.
Yeah, I'm really disappointed to have to remove origin again, but like I said we will hopefully have a map update soon to try and address some of the main problems without completely changing the map. To go a little more in depth, the map was playing too strong for both hunting and camping playstyles. Hunters could largely dominate the whole map with relative ease and keep zombies confined to whatever room they were in, and each room on top of that had anything from fairly strong to OP camping spots. The vast majority of rounds (at least that I viewed, obviously couldn't be there every time but I did watch it played a number of times throughout the month) had little zombie movement from room to room and many spots were difficult/impossible to conquer as long as enough CTs got there. The times when you were able to counter the hunters I'd imagine the remaining CT's were ones that stayed camping in strong locations like the pillar spot, so even with a sudden turning of the tides you're still left with a spot that is very hard to deal with. The main things we are going to likely update are adjusting a couple of the camping locations, and possibly adding some more areas for zombies to hide and ambush CTs so that hunting is a little more difficult.

Obviously everything we do isn't necessarily going to be liked by everyone, it's hard to please every single player when we have such a large community and each of those players is going to like and dislike different things, but we do our best to try and keep things fresh and overall give everyone the best experience on our servers. One day (hopefully soon) we will be looking at origin again.
Yeah, I'm really disappointed to have to remove origin again, but like I said we will hopefully have a map update soon to try and address some of the main problems without completely changing the map. To go a little more in depth, the map was playing too strong for both hunting and camping playstyles. Hunters could largely dominate the whole map with relative ease and keep zombies confined to whatever room they were in, and each room on top of that had anything from fairly strong to OP camping spots. The vast majority of rounds (at least that I viewed, obviously couldn't be there every time but I did watch it played a number of times throughout the month) had little zombie movement from room to room and many spots were difficult/impossible to conquer as long as enough CTs got there. The times when you were able to counter the hunters I'd imagine the remaining CT's were ones that stayed camping in strong locations like the pillar spot, so even with a sudden turning of the tides you're still left with a spot that is very hard to deal with. The main things we are going to likely update are adjusting a couple of the camping locations, and possibly adding some more areas for zombies to hide and ambush CTs so that hunting is a little more difficult.

Obviously everything we do isn't necessarily going to be liked by everyone, it's hard to please every single player when we have such a large community and each of those players is going to like and dislike different things, but we do our best to try and keep things fresh and overall give everyone the best experience on our servers. One day (hopefully soon) we will be looking at origin again.

Yeah I agree - Hunters would move quick and confine zombies to a room. TBH -I would not go into the large rooms and only stick to the "hallways" and only go room to room until I found the hallway I could hide and attack. I think it needs to kind of be like cabbl style and only have boxes for campers only. It is really hard to change things on the map because of how it is laid out. I do agree- once CTs got to a spot with 5-7 or more -it was done especially one area where it was a "wired banner area" (hard to describe) and one spot was just zoms shoulder jumping on each other on one side and it was hard and the other area zombies jumping to try to attack. That area was hard.

If regards to ambushes, you are right... the campers always stayed put. I'd attack the 20 plus hunters and they would die but then it was everyone now trying to get to campers with the little time left. I agree to remove some camper areas and yes - add more ambush zones. If I recall, the area I would ambush the CT's, the area is where you enter a garage and go up a ramp - there was a room of vendies and then go around a corner and there will be shelves with a a box angled in a corner. I would hide in the corner and ambush. That is really the only areas I could find and ambush. If more boxes look like that then I think it would be great. . CTs turn the corner and see a box and do not look behind it and then there is me and attack the middle group where both ends suffer haha. Perhaps if there atleast one or two vents to crawl - not sure how that would work

Beginning of month - I tried to nom origin and could not find it - I was mad. Did not realize this was a test month. I will make sure I am on the forums more to see updates. Glad to be back playing after 8 plus years of non playing and server still alive and active as it was back then.