Member application by Causality


New Member
17 Feb 2013

before reading my application, i'd like to give you a few informations about me, which would problely decrease my chances of getting accepted, but i feel i have to tell you, to be able to be a part of this clan, honestly.
as explained in my admin application, i do not have a lot of time on my hands, i'm actually rather limited. 4-6 days on work, can be 3 days off, which can be used to play and be active in EH, but as i live alone, they also have to be used on important irl stuff, such as cleaning, wash clothes, shopping etc. so i wont be able to use much time, still i want to be a part of a clan, because the idea always intriqued me. to be able to share my opinions and ideals amongst a community that actual takes you serious, even over the internet - like a second family.

because of the lack of time, i have never really become good at any modes in css. i'm rather good at Scoutknives, but thats only because i played a lot in my younger years. though i can safely say, that if i put my mind to it, i will be better.

1 of your members named 38 or Thirtyeight explained to me, that i problely have minimum chances, of getting accepted, since i lack time, and skill to join a clan. that is fine with me, but if i dont try, i wont know, and i might get some usefull information, as to why i possibly couldnt join, and then work on that, and in the future getting accepted.

he also explained that i needed to be known to the community, thats a easily solved problem, but i takes some time, and even longer with my lack of time, so i thought i had to give it a try here, and maybe if i were extra specific in my application i would have a chance.

In-game name: Causality and/or Equivalent

Age: 20

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:12309195

Steam username: Syncmasterxlol

Can you speak english and german?: english yes, german no,

Clan history (if none, leave blank): i had a clan, as explained in my admin application, when i had my scoutknives servers 3-4 years back.

Any serious bans before?: no

Do you have a microphon? yes - and i use it a lot - lol

Why do you desire becoming part of the Elite Hunterz (This is important): the idea to have a clan, where you share ideas and opinions / ideals, have always intriqued me. like having a second family. its not that i heard your clan is good, i'm sure it is, but i just want to be part of something, also when i'm not working, i'm bored, since my work is my life. but even with that said, i have to have days off, or i'll end up ruining my passion for what i do, and also destroying my own body, since my work is so tough. i want to have fun, and "the more, the merrier" right? i mean, thats what i think :p besides that, i have meet a few of your members, 1 named Chuba, awesome guy - had a lot fun with him, just as i did with thirtyeight :) - both fantastic players, and most important, fantastic persons - and they are problely the main reason i want to join EH.

this is generally why i want to join you, and i dont want to sit here, and be a suckup and say, your a fantastic clan, awesome at any mode, because i'd be lying to myself, because barely know you, and you barely know me.

Where you referred to this clan? If Yes, Who referred you?: i wouldnt exactly say i was referred to join you, because none of the members i know in EH, told me to join you, but they did inspire me, and if the persons i know in EH, is the same as the rest of you, i think i will have a very good time in EH :) if i join ofc.

Last but not least:tell something about you, your life, your hobbies, etc etc:

my name is Nicolai, i'm 20 years old, and live in my own apartment in denmark. i work as a cooking apprentice 24/7. i'm very passionate, strickt, mature, responsible, patient and calm. i'd rather ask first, and shoot afterwards then shoot first and... ye... i have 2 brothers, and a mother that i have taken care of both socially and economically. i have been working since i was 11, and when i turned 16 i got my own full time job. when i was 17 i bought my mothers company, becuase she had financiel problems, so i did it to save our house for my brothers. As of that day, till now i am the director. besides being director, as explained above, i'm a cooking apprentice and i'm done with this eduction, in about 9 months.(takes 4 years) my working times is from 9-10 in the morning till, 11-12 at middnight, 4-6 times a week, so its kinda random as to how much time, i have each week for the servers, though i can safely say, that i can be on the server, 1-2 hours a day, when i get home, if all my time, before i go to bed, is used on the server. this also means, that my "teenyears" where normal teenagers would go party, and fuck around, is something i have never really experienced, and i dont feel unlucky because of that, but it does mean, i have a very special mindset today, which normal ppl, would problaly first have, when they are a lot older. i'm not saying, i'm old inside, i'd rather say, i have a very knowledgeable head.

as of my dad, he left my family when i was 3 months old, and i havent seen him since. i know he lives nearby me, but his been a dick to my mother, and a dick to me, so i'm not intrested in wasting time on him. this is problely also why, i have been given the "father" figure ever since i can remember, and i will always have it.

besides that i follow a principle that has had great effect on my life, and still does. "Cause and effect" as my name also states "Causality" which is a combo of the 2 words. it might sound childish, but this is something i saw in the matrix movies, when they meet that frenchmen for the first time, where he explains: "Cause and effect / Action and Reaction" is the only constant in this universe, and i put those words to high regards. it can also be put into "Choice and Consequence" which is what we humans do daily, all the time.. so it is a constant, that nobody can change :)

Best regards - Nicolai. :)

your decision is accepted weither it be a no or yes :) your the judges, and i challenge you to judge my application, professionally.
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You really seem like a good person, best of luck Nicolai :)
Much to read. I like that! :)
Nice app mate, good luck :D
A good read!

Thank you for taking your time and applying for the clan. We will review your application and check out your gameplay.

I will post the results here in this thread.

Good luck!

Elite HunterZ Recruiter AsH!
I'm sorry but you are DECLINED from the clan! Not enough activity.

You can try again another time.

Elite HunterZ Recruiter AsH
thats alright, werent expecting to get in :p but now i know the reason, and sadly its not something i can deal with.

but thanks for taking your time to read it, and evaluating it - much appreciated

Best regards, Nicolai.
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