Nerdy B.

Nerdy Bacon

New Member
3 Apr 2016
Hello, everyone! My in-game name is Nerdy B. (used to be Nerdy Bacon) I've been playing EH servers on and off since 2016 but I've never actually been active on the forums before.
I'm 16 years old, and live in the USA. I'm a pretty typical person haha. Most of my time is spent outdoors, I do all sorts of sports and athletics but my favorite is soccer.
It's been about a year since I've really played but I've gotten back into it and I'm looking forward to reacquainting myself with everyone!
Hey B! Welcome to the forums, nice to have you with us! Enjoy and happy hunting! =)
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Considering you're from a region of the world that struggles with obesity, it strikes me as odd that you're "a typical person" but "most of [your] time is spent outdoors" and "[you] do all sorts of sports and athletics". ;)
Nah, just messing around. Welcome to the forums! :p Maybe some day we'll see you on the GoFree servers hehe
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Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your time and stay active <3