Reflections & Insights


Well-Known Member
14 Apr 2022
I will start with main thing - the idea to speak and share the thoughts about Brot perrnament banned gamer "KrankZ" .
Before i continiou, i am apologise- english isn't my native language ,coud be some grammer or misspell.
The fact he still havn't be here to creat any content about his innocence make me more belive it was wright call from Brot + i do have feeling he did before dession making get some advise from other admins .
From my perspective - long time ago i had notice weird things about that gamer ,starting from dession making "flow in /with game" and ending with shooting.
Even before deeper diging in it i woud like to say i don't judged nobody who play with what gun or what style it woud be , with that i do mean camping or hunting(for me always be not good inaf until ping limit MAX 100 what already is super hight to do things in great level ) ,until it isn't cheating or teming what results as mass destruction if i can say like that . It is already good thay can play and manny has life struggles and gaming platform is great place to switch mind OFF ,simply as that and with it you simply just flow in game doing your thing . Ofcorse can lose cool time by times and say some bad word cuz as in life when you do your best in where you good at it or simply like what you do and you do have spirtual competition WILL in you to compete , if you dont have this value than something wrong already is with you ....
Reviewing Brot demo "KrankZ" i saw what i already notice verry long time ago , small dirty shit moves as be first on box do small half to 1/2/3 secund pause to block and he look what he is blocking so he knows inaf gamers in server to make call what/ who and how far he can do his shit. I did once speak about it and it ,was ignored so next my thought about shooting to say i was f*k tham all at once from heart and it isn't my buisness simply as that and just do my best cuz i am good . To say more i want to say i know in zombie server you dont need match and i know i am auto sniper gamer what moust persons do hate , somehow i dont care that but on that i had reach 159 000 pts border "farming" i can't say i am best . To put best for my perspective you do have Categories to value the gamer. And i never want put myself highter than anyone other in server , maeby when some kid shit talks starts pop in and i am tired and itchy . In that demo also i notice he dont use secondory keyborg line (1 2 3 4 5 6 ... numbers) but insted mouse 2 to zoom in /zoom out and from that i can say it is low level . A lot times you must use reload , fast weapon switch or secondory 1 2 3 numbers and the idea is the get fast as can clear full size screen on deskop to get INFORMATION what is going on ,zombies around ,temates possion and match other . it is split secund when smalest detail plays a role. Form it was weird to see gamer who frags that good do in old lazy wrist movments. i can't also say he do not hard wrist working to frag . I mean to react on movments as zombies move was slow to folow with mouse but accuracity always was deim great . and that i did study watching and simply f thinking but i dont like put exuse oh that dude hacks and that is it , i know i am good but not perfect and in this world always some be better than you ,dosn't metter , simply have fun and do your thing .That was where i stop " break my mind " about gamer KrankZ. i accept he simpyl is better and that is it. But as i gived my respect to him and he simply push it down in toilet seat by saying what maps i can nominate in server if i do want keep him as frend in a fking Steam lol . omg i have always laught about this dude mindset . to deim funny .. Yeah what ever. Dude simply sayed what maps i obligate must not to nominate i was like okey this is not normal and it was split secunde i lost any intrest to say anyting good and repsect was gone. And ending on this , i can say that gamer was full of crap in head with such an arogance where it shoudn't be cuz he wasn't that good to act as god AND FOR THIS reason i do hate arogance and i am so freaking happy BROT did the JOBE DONE! i apriciate it and from now i will do try more calm "me" ingame. and be nicer with admins cuz thay do deim great jobe !

I will stop with this at moument. I do not like wirtte in english but idea was to say THANK YOU ! For making server free from cheaters ,server funcion cuz this is last good zombie server (ZM- not ZE ) in whole COUNETER STRIKE- SOURCE " LAST SERVER . I DO Apriciate ALL your work here .
I will start with main thing - the idea to speak and share the thoughts about Brot perrnament banned gamer "KrankZ" .
Before i continiou, i am apologise- english isn't my native language ,coud be some grammer or misspell.
The fact he still havn't be here to creat any content about his innocence make me more belive it was wright call from Brot + i do have feeling he did before dession making get some advise from other admins .
From my perspective - long time ago i had notice weird things about that gamer ,starting from dession making "flow in /with game" and ending with shooting.
Even before deeper diging in it i woud like to say i don't judged nobody who play with what gun or what style it woud be , with that i do mean camping or hunting(for me always be not good inaf until ping limit MAX 100 what already is super hight to do things in great level ) ,until it isn't cheating or teming what results as mass destruction if i can say like that . It is already good thay can play and manny has life struggles and gaming platform is great place to switch mind OFF ,simply as that and with it you simply just flow in game doing your thing . Ofcorse can lose cool time by times and say some bad word cuz as in life when you do your best in where you good at it or simply like what you do and you do have spirtual competition WILL in you to compete , if you dont have this value than something wrong already is with you ....
Reviewing Brot demo "KrankZ" i saw what i already notice verry long time ago , small dirty shit moves as be first on box do small half to 1/2/3 secund pause to block and he look what he is blocking so he knows inaf gamers in server to make call what/ who and how far he can do his shit. I did once speak about it and it ,was ignored so next my thought about shooting to say i was f*k tham all at once from heart and it isn't my buisness simply as that and just do my best cuz i am good . To say more i want to say i know in zombie server you dont need match and i know i am auto sniper gamer what moust persons do hate , somehow i dont care that but on that i had reach 159 000 pts border "farming" i can't say i am best . To put best for my perspective you do have Categories to value the gamer. And i never want put myself highter than anyone other in server , maeby when some kid shit talks starts pop in and i am tired and itchy . In that demo also i notice he dont use secondory keyborg line (1 2 3 4 5 6 ... numbers) but insted mouse 2 to zoom in /zoom out and from that i can say it is low level . A lot times you must use reload , fast weapon switch or secondory 1 2 3 numbers and the idea is the get fast as can clear full size screen on deskop to get INFORMATION what is going on ,zombies around ,temates possion and match other . it is split secund when smalest detail plays a role. Form it was weird to see gamer who frags that good do in old lazy wrist movments. i can't also say he do not hard wrist working to frag . I mean to react on movments as zombies move was slow to folow with mouse but accuracity always was deim great . and that i did study watching and simply f thinking but i dont like put exuse oh that dude hacks and that is it , i know i am good but not perfect and in this world always some be better than you ,dosn't metter , simply have fun and do your thing .That was where i stop " break my mind " about gamer KrankZ. i accept he simpyl is better and that is it. But as i gived my respect to him and he simply push it down in toilet seat by saying what maps i can nominate in server if i do want keep him as frend in a fking Steam lol . omg i have always laught about this dude mindset . to deim funny .. Yeah what ever. Dude simply sayed what maps i obligate must not to nominate i was like okey this is not normal and it was split secunde i lost any intrest to say anyting good and repsect was gone. And ending on this , i can say that gamer was full of crap in head with such an arogance where it shoudn't be cuz he wasn't that good to act as god AND FOR THIS reason i do hate arogance and i am so freaking happy BROT did the JOBE DONE! i apriciate it and from now i will do try more calm "me" ingame. and be nicer with admins cuz thay do deim great jobe !

I will stop with this at moument. I do not like wirtte in english but idea was to say THANK YOU ! For making server free from cheaters ,server funcion cuz this is last good zombie server (ZM- not ZE ) in whole COUNETER STRIKE- SOURCE " LAST SERVER . I DO Apriciate ALL your work here .
ha ha ha.a two-faced man in all his glory
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