Respawn VS Slay


Retired SPA/HA
Retired SPA/HA
30 Apr 2013
Isla de Muerta
Just a tip to our admins.

There is no point in slaying people who block on 4way they just come back and continue blocking. That goes for other maps too. Just to make it clear: there is not much point in slaying players when they just respawn.
3 admins on 4way tonight and the elevator was constant blocked, same with ladders and doorclosers. Again, stop slaying them, no point in doing so.

I know how it is to be admin and im just trying to remind you guys. If there is chaos on the server, like tonight, it helps if you take 5-10 minutes to reign down hell on the bad guys. Here are a few tips to work around the respawn system.

Alternatives to slaying.
- put them in spec (sm_spec @aim)
- freeze someone for a long time (sm_freeze <player> <time (in seconds 10-120)>) example: /freeze wolfram 120
- teleport them halfway inside a wall/roof so they can be killed but are still stuck(this one is nice to teach them a lesson)
- blind them (sm_blind @aim 2000 (0 = no blind))
- bury them in the ground (sm_bury @aim)
- drug them and keep them drugged up (sm_drug)
- do something cruel and funny at the same time to the worst players, like "/votekick wolfram "Guys, should we kick this annoying blocker?" " (sm_votekick <player> [reason])

Be creative and combind stuff for the worst players. for eksample, bury a player and leave him drugged up too, is a good punsihment if they are really bad. If they are really bad, keep it going the next round.

PS: any way of making players you slay, stay ded? they dont respawn?

with christmas <3



Ex Admin
11 Jul 2015
I'll just add that this concerns only V1. On V3 slayed players stay dead so feel free to slay blockers/rulebreakers on V3. :)