[Results] Counter-Strike: Source (ALL)

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Kitsu-ne - accepted

sxmity - declined

Better luck next time to those who got declined. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.
Congratulations to Kitsu-ne, contact me on steam for the next steps.
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Reactions: Kitsu-ne

SantiagoZSDC - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.

jenshenrik - declined

Janno - declined

sxmity - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.
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Reactions: sxmity

5a3sr - declined

sxmity - declined

MONSTER³ - accepted

Better luck next time to those who got declined. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.
Congratulations to
MONSTER³, contact me on steam for the next steps.

Sarevok - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.

Jack1sh - declined

MoutonVert - accepted

Seele - accepted

Better luck next time to those who got declined. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.
Congratulations to those who got accepted, contact me on steam for the next steps.

Mattyyy24 - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.

thebl4ckc4bers4m - declined

Sarevok - accepted

Better luck next time to those who got declined. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a PM on the forum.
Congratulations to
Sarevok who got accepted, contact me on steam for the next steps.

Paw - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a PM on the forum.

Blaze1337 - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a PM on the forum.

ThriceGreat - declined

xXEsIqUeLXx - accepted

Better luck next time to those who got declined. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.
Congratulations to those who got accepted, contact me on steam or discord for the next steps.
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Reactions: K4marad

Orax - declined

Gulyka82 - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.

KaitoShuno - accepted

Gulyka82 - declined

Better luck next time to those who got declined. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.
Congratulations to those who got accepted, contact me on steam or discord for the next steps.

BERN_CITY - declined

Bulk - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.

stefan31 - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.

Crazy-AWP - declined

K1n - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.

DoctorSex - declined

Better luck next time. If you have any questions as to why you got declined, feel free to send me a pm on the forum.
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