When you're really really bored.
23:05 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Have you ever considered not walking on the wall when you took a selfie? o.o
23:23 - S k a r b i e . < 3: No xD
23:33 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Well i don't judge, respect if you can go on the roof next time!
23:35 - S k a r b i e . < 3: Been alrdy xD
23:34 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Kudos!
23:35 - S k a r b i e . < 3: Hahahahaha shush
23:06 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Gay Music? IT'S OKAY TO BE GAY GET ALONG WITH THE BOYS IT'S THE GAY WAYYY
23:07 - Jay. Music.: O.O
23:07 - Jay. Music.: rude!
23:07 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: hey goatfart, what happened to you on slack? Did you hero-up and save us all from ur smell?
23:08 - ✪ GotFarr: :O
23:10 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Do you ever shout or nah?
23:12 - WhispEr: i screaM

23:12 - WhispEr: (thats where the name came from btw)
23:11 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Yo Mafia, have you ever considered the gangster life or do you prefer class?
23:13 - Mafia er nu Online.
23:14 - Mafia: hmm what do you mean?
23:14 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: You know.. Could you consider driving around in a bmw while shooting a mac-10 out of the window towards some negros or do you prefer sitting in a chair with a cigar being all cool and shit?
23:19 - Mafia: I'd say i prefer the 2nd option.. i'm from the ghetto but that lifestyle where you shoot people sitting in a BMW/mercedes is nothing for me
23:12 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Can you blow my whistle?
23:13 - !whistle: your whistle cant whistle
23:13 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: are you sure?
23:13 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Give it a try!
23:14 - !whistle: ahaha
23:12 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Do you ever spare or just StrikE?
23:13 - StrikE™ ♛: both sir depends on the day
23:13 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Kudos!
23:26 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: have you ever considered changing name to zacksweetness? You know.. To look more kind.
23:27 - Zackmadness: No, why?
23:27 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Just curious.
23:28 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Are you the sun? Cause you don't look that hot to me. o.o
23:30 - fire in space: Worste pick up line, ever
23:29 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡:

23:30 - fire in space: Also, worste spelling by me
23:30 - fire in space: wooooooorste
23:30 - fire in space: wtf
23:29 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: I sea
23:30 - fire in space:
23:38 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Lord bless me!
23:40 - Lord Harboe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯: wut
23:32 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: On a scala from 1-10 how noob are you?
23:43 - Cysid: uh
23:43 - Cysid: what
23:43 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: i take that as a 10
23:26 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: How much would it cost for you to change color?
23:40 - [Ξн] blue™: aint gonna be cheap... but you would get it cheaper

23:41 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc #Jophie ♡: Uh, you're good at selling yourself. Give me a number
23:54 - [Ξн] blue™: 00-dead-boy-blue-420