Seeking great responses to very serious question #2
00:16 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: If you were a dragon, and you could pee standing up, could you fly while standing up peeing so in case you're short and the toilet is high you can hit it or would you just aim your junk up?
00:17 - Braddy Daddy!: N/A i have a vangine
00:17 - Braddy Daddy!: vagina*
00:18 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: does it smell?
00:18 - Braddy Daddy!: YES
00:18 - Braddy Daddy!: ALWAYS
00:18 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: omnomnom
00:19 - Braddy Daddy!: LOL
00:19 - Braddy Daddy!: or as that a trick question?
00:20 - Braddy Daddy!: because if i was a dragon and i flew too high, i'd be DRAGON my balls across your face xD
00:20 - Braddy Daddy!: LLOOOOOOOLLLLL
00:20 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: Maybe

daddy i'd like that <3
00:20 - Braddy Daddy!: hahahahaha
00:21 - Braddy Daddy!: you cunt xD
00:16 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: If you were a dragon, and you could pee standing up, could you fly while standing up peeing so in case you're short and the toilet is high you can hit it or would you just aim your junk up?
00:16 - orfA': if i am a motherfucking dragon
00:17 - orfA': i will pee when flying up to people
00:18 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: Me too!
00:16 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: If you were a dragon, and you could pee standing up, could you fly while standing up peeing so in case you're short and the toilet is high you can hit it or would you just aim your junk up?
00:16 - SpaceCatMeowDude #SophsKing: stand on my hands so the problem is solved
00:16 - SpaceCatMeowDude #SophsKing: might be pissing in my own face
00:16 - SpaceCatMeowDude #SophsKing: mouth
00:16 - SpaceCatMeowDude #SophsKing: in that case
00:17 - SpaceCatMeowDude #SophsKing: but no risk no fun
00:17 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: That's the spirit!
00:16 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: If you were a dragon, and you could pee standing up, could you fly while standing up peeing so in case you're short and the toilet is high you can hit it or would you just aim your junk up?
00:17 - Joe "Is" Dunne: fuck that shit, just piss over all the floor xD
00:19 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: Like u do with your small british penis already
00:16 - [ﮔʜ] Havoc ツ: If you were a dragon, and you could pee standing up, could you fly while standing up peeing so in case you're short and the toilet is high you can hit it or would you just aim your junk up?
00:20 - Lotus: k