To few active admins


Well-Known Member
11 Mar 2012
Hey i just wanted to tell you admin's that you need atleast 10 - 20 more admin's
You are only 10 wich are very few... and if admin's are online they don't even check the forum's

Told Viper some min's ago to check out my ban request i made 7 hours ago cuz i got no reply still and no... i made the reply in the morning
and not on the night so there should have been someone seeing it in that time...

So get more admin's please!

Dont get mad at me i just give feedback. Geo told me today he also had a life and i was like... why even sign up for admin then?!
atleast check out the forum before you go!

Cheers Zersixs
Geo is tho right, we admins cant be online 24/7 playing and on the forum however all of us admins try our best to check out the Forum as often as we can!
I find this statement a bit ignorant, I'm on the 64 slot so many hours it's stupid, and I check the forum everyday without fail. Admins also can't drop everything they're doing and see your requests, it's just a game afterall, and if you didn't know life > games. Just because you don't have a response it doesn't mean nothing is being done, things have to be checked (and possibly discussed) before we can ban someone, can't ban people instantly because of your word.
you'd be surprised to know the real number of active admins...

last time i checked it was over 20.
It doesn't mean that if you don't get a reply in X hours then we're not active...
Okey Nikoo sorry, but Dean your a bit wrong, a game is something very big. People's family and life hangs on games... It's their job to make em to earn money right?
so games are not just games, its much more than that. Its a industry that is bigger than loads of other :)

Btw i have caught 2 ppl yet that got banned good right? :D
Zersixs I don't think that there aren't enough admins, but more like there aren't enough admins online 24/7, but it is impossible to guarantee a server having at least 1 admin online all the time. Such a thing would only be possible with 100 admins in the team :D
I think you missed the point Zersixs, but keeping it simple, there's enough admins in general.
I agree with Niko and Deanburger. I think the admins we have are doing an excellent job and there are an appropriate amount of members. If there is a serious problem, all admins come straight to the forum to check it out and post. I think Viper has been an excellent, if there is a delay in an admin response please try to be patient Zersixs as it will be adressed.
Yeah, i agree and Viper should get some extra credit for hes wonderful job to ban the guys i requested. Thanks !
