Handled Unban Request: gimbo


New Member
24 Jan 2017
Name: gimbo

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1094051140

Ban reason: amibot

Unban reason: may I know why this para has banned me? aimbot? What? tell this para I unban now!
Hey, I recorded you for around 16 minutes. You can download the demo also review it here --> https://bans.elite-hunterz.info/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=+ STEAM_0:0:1094051140+&Submit=Search
You didn't use it all the time, but you enabled and disabled it alot which is pretty seenable. You know, that I told you to turn it off. Same game as before, if you remember when I perm banned you once :)

(my comment @Sourcebans) Type demoui into console and you can skip the first minutes.
The first 2 flicks start at 7m 30s
Continues at 9m 50s
In my opinion 10m 10s and 10m 50s it's most seenable with an Insane kill also the way that crosshair was shaking.
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But I have muscle spasms, neck is in my right arm is a few ticks in the leg