Handled Unban Request: Megan Fox

Megan Fox

27 Apr 2018
Ingame name Megan Fox
SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198157887154/

Ban reason Admin being admin
Unban reason
Admins banning people just because they don't like some player, once again I got banned for some dumb shit admin having needs to use his authority, while I have played this server without any problems towards the admins for a loooong looooong tiime.. Fucking ridicilous.
Hello @Megan Fox ,
Your ban has already expired, and by now you are already able to continue playing on our server(s).
Just for your information, you were banned for Teamkilling (door closing on 4way) after being warned not to do so - demo down-below.
Please refrain from breaking any of our rules in the future. If you're not sure about our rules, type !rules in-game and make sure to follow them.



  • Meganfoxdoor.dem
    1 MB · Views: 272